Sunday, July 5, 2020

Disability Patrolling

From Forbes:

“We Need To Stop Patrolling The Borders Of Disability”

Deciding who is and isn’t disabled, who does and doesn’t deserve accommodation, is complicated. Most efforts to distinguish fakers from “real” disabled people usually do more harm than good. There is sometimes real reason for skepticism. One of the newest weapons in the ongoing politicization of Covid-19 is the trend of people seeking moral and legal cover for their refusal to wear a face mask, by claiming that they can’t wear them because of an underlying health condition or disability. This woman’s sudden public tirade, and calling the Trader Joe’s staff “Democratic pigs,” undermine her claim that she should be excused from wearing a mask in public because of a breathing condition. Many disabled people certainly do advocate for their rights, sometimes forcefully. But most disabled people don’t respond quite this way to awkward or mildly ableist encounters like this in public places. And the woman’s choice of words strongly suggests a political motive having nothing to do with disability rights.

At the same time, disabled people also know what it’s like to have our disabilities doubted, our claims questioned, and our need for accommodations dismissed. We also know the humiliation of being diagnosed on the fly, based only on our appearance and bystanders’ assumptions. Sometimes we even do it to each other, casting disdain on people with disabilities different from our own. One of the most common forms of everyday ableism, and one of the worst impulses within the disability community itself, is the instinct ... for some even the passion … for guarding the boundaries of disability. This tendency is heavily fed by sensationalist news, entertainment, and social media. Stories with nothing to them at all, and those with a kernel of truth but blown out of proportion, are repeatedly pressed into a toxic narrative of disability and dishonesty. “Mainstream media coverage largely focuses a lot on people with disabilities as fakers, takers, or moneymakers,” says Rebecca Cokley, Director of the Disability Justice Initiative of the Center for American Progress: “They’re either faking their disability or the severity of their disability to gain access to perceived (but not actual) privileges under law. Takers, who maximize all that they can get in terms of benefits, whether or not they are in need of it. And moneymakers, who are people who sue frequently for violations of the law.” There are real boundaries to the experience of disability, and measured scrutiny of disability claims is sometimes necessary. But too many people’s self-righteous obsession with policing disability does more day to day harm actual disability fakery. It’s time we all back off from these judgmental habits. That includes nondisabled people openly hostile to disability, but also some of our allies, and disabled people ourselves.

“Handicapped” Parking:   One of the most corrosive experiences of everyday ableism among people with very real but less apparent disabilities is being confronted for parking in accessible parking spaces. For some reason, would-be nondisabled allies are particularly enthusiastic. These self-appointed parking monitors leave abusive notes on disabled people’s cars, or confront them in person. They often mean well. They are after all defending these spaces for people who need them. The problem is that they operate from a very narrow idea of who counts as disabled. This usually means drivers who use a wheelchair, or who are very visibly old, frail, or unsteady on their feet. They condemn anyone who looks young, seems to walk “normally,” or otherwise doesn’t “look disabled.” Over time, being repeatedly badgered in this way becomes a real deterrent to using accessible parking, and to going out in general. Over-eager, misinformed handicapped parking enforcement has exactly the opposite of its intended effect. This is not to suggest that anyone should be allowed to use these spaces just because they claim to need them. That’s why there are permits, which require a doctor’s approval. But almost any disabled driver will tell you that having a permit doesn’t seem to make a difference, once someone decides you’re a “handicapped parking” cheater.

Service Animals:  In some areas of disability accommodation, establishing and enforcing criteria is more tricky. Most people know at least something about guide dogs for the blind. Slightly fewer fully understand the functions of dogs that provide other physical help for, say, a wheelchair user. There is also some provisional popular acceptance of emotional support animals, particularly for readily sympathetic users like veterans with PTSD. But as service animal laws have become more flexible and inclusive, and in particular as use of animals for “emotional support” has expanded, popular skepticism has grown. Is this “really” a service animal? Or, is it a pet thrust into previously banned spaces by an owner who simply believes pets should be allowed anywhere? Is it okay to ask? Who draws the line between service animals and pets? This is probably the best example of a genuine disability boundary problem with real consequences for disabled people. When the public loses faith in service animal validity overall, then people who rely on service animals suffer. But valid or not, this loss of faith is still largely based on superficial judgments most people aren’t qualified to make on their own. Popular suspicion about service animals may also be fueled by separate prejudices against certain “types” of pet owners — privileged, arrogant, selfish, or a bit dotty in the way they treat their pets almost like spoiled children. It’s prejudice against a personality type, which has nothing to do with disabled people needing and using service animals. And, as with handicapped parking, one of the main ways real and perceived faking of service animal status harms disbabled people is that it draws unwelcomed scrutiny and outright hostility, to legitimate users.

“Out Of Control” Disability Benefits:    Several years ago, there was something of a mini-scandal, or episode of “serious concern,” about rapidly rising costs of Social Security Disability Insurance in the U.S. Economists pointed to charts showing alarming trends that would surely lead to an SSDI bankruptcy, surely resulting in drastic cuts to “deserving” disabled people. Journalists looked into it, and social scientists speculated to them about medical fraud and a mixture of regional, class, and racial pathologies that might explain why disability payments were rising so much, when clearly the number of “actually disabled” people can’t be that much more than in past years. All of this was for a time popularized among policy experts, libertarians, and fiscal conservatives, partly through a series of stories by NPR’s “Planet Money” and “This American Life” under the title, “Unfit For Work.” What was presented as a sober analysis of facts quickly fed existing narratives about disability. The theory was that SSDI, meant for people who can’t work anymore because of the onset of a disability, was being used as a more durable substitute for unemployment and traditional “welfare” benefits for people who were victims of age, educational failures, and economic restructuring. A 55 year old in Appalachia, without a high school diploma, and laid off from a coal mine had nowhere to turn, except for a heart or lung condition that could be interpreted as a disability. And a chronically unemployed person with a history of legal problems and emotional trauma could live on permanent disability, with the cooperation of a pliable doctor and an overworked Social Security bureaucracy. Whether or not any of this is accurate is highly debatable. But either way, the scandal it supposedly represents is again based on a narrow and ableist definition disability. It assumes a clear but entirely arbitrary division between “really” disabled people ... like wheelchair users, blind, deaf, and intellectually disabled people … and more “marginal” cases like people with chronic pain and illness, learning disabilities, and mental health disabilities. But neither Social Security, nor any other serious definition of disability makes any such distinction. Impairments are impairments, regardless of their nature or source. What we see here is the development and promotion of a newer, more hidden and seemingly acceptable way of presenting very old prejudices around region, class, and race. The concept of disability is mapped onto a web of other prejudices, making them worse, and in turn adding more stigma to disability itself. Of course, this has material consequences too, threatening cuts to disability benefits to targeted groups of disabled people, and dividing the disability community against itself. As the economy improved, and demographics continued to shift, rates of disability went down again, and the sense of immediate disaster faded. But the arguments are still with us, as they have always been. Efforts to cut or narrow eligibility for SSDI and other benefits continue. One way or another, there is still a widely shared but illusory difference between “good” disabilities that “decent” people have, and “bogus” disabilities that the lowest among us exploit. And at least some disabled people feed into this distinction too, fearing their own benefits and social status are threatened by “others” who they do not understand or trust.

Masks:   Indeed, lack of trust throughout society is behind a good deal of the policing of disability, from all directions. Mask wearing to curb Covid-19 is only the latest battleground in the war over who is and isn’t “really disabled.” But the stakes are much higher, and the pressures and counter-pressures are if anything more conflicted. To start with, some people have disabilities that legitimately do prevent them from using masks. They should be treated with respect and accommodated as fairly as possible within the bounds of public health during the pandemic. There is a parallel here with guide dog users and drivers parking in handicapped spaces. As much as possible, while reasonable rules are enforced, people should be treated decently and not abused based on shallow assumptions. Yet, we also know that there are people who are quite willing to use disability rights sentiments and laws as a cover for ideological objections, or just their distaste for wearing masks. This is a fact, not a prejudice. Some people are acting in bad faith. This is not only bad in and of itself. It undermines everyone’s credibility, and erodes the general sense of trust we all rely on to maintain any semblance of a kind, respectful, cooperative society. This is especially true in questions of disability, where few of us are qualified to make our own judgements about specific conditions. So the great mask debate not only threatens our physical health, it eats away at the thin layer of good faith and trust that supports the minimally workable relationship between disabled and nondisabled people.

How can we be sensibly vigilant without being oppressively ableist?:   First, we need to broaden and diversify our conception of what counts as a disability. We can start by adopting a more practical definition of disability. Here is a suggestion: If you have to think about and plan around some physical or mental condition you have, pretty much every day, then you’re disabled. Second, we have to stop judging disability on sight, and confronting disabled people based on instinct or momentary outrage. Many disabilities aren’t immediately visible to the casual observer, and situations that may look wrong at first glance often are not, especially where disability is involved. Third, we need to trust existing gatekeeping systems that govern disability benefits and accommodations. Most supports and accommodations of any substance are actually rather difficult to get. Those systems don’t allow just anyone to qualify. Finally, we must practice believing people again, especially those who identify in some way as disabled. It’s hard, and it opens us up to being fooled. But it’s necessary. Because in the world of disability, the only thing worse than bad faith is chronic, cynical skepticism.

^ This is a major problem across the United States and around the world. Regular people, who think they know best, are confronting complete strangers and calling them out on being disabled or not being disabled, video-recording it and posting it online. The majority of the time these confrontations are baseless. If a person believes someone is breaking a disabled law (parking in a handicapped parking spot when not disabled or with someone who is disabled, etc.) then there should be a number to call in each State to report such instances  - using a Driver’s License Plate Number. If the incident only involves a person then the person concerned should call the police. At no time should a person openly confront the other person. The person could not have a physical disability so you can’t see it and it could be traumatic to them or the person may not be disabled at all and go after you for going after them. I took care of a disabled person (with both physical and non-physical disabilities) and have seen all sorts of incidents around the country and the world – none directly involving us. I’ve seen 5-6 people request airport wheelchairs so they can pre-board on an airline that doesn’t assign seats – so they could get the best seats up front – and the minute the plane landed they were the first ones literally running off the plane as people like us had to wait until the last passenger was off to get our personal wheelchair. I didn’t confront them, but would have reported them if there was a way to. Unless someone’s life is in danger then you should not openly confront anyone – especially not a stranger. If you can video-record the incident and report it after the fact. ^

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