Monday, November 13, 2023

The Greatest Generation

The Greatest Generation (America in World War 2 – December 1941-September 1945):

In 1941 the Population of the United States of America (including the US Territories of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, American Samoa and the Philippines) was: 131,028,000


From December 1941 until September 1945: 16,112,566 American Men and Women served in the US Military.


61% of those who served during World War were Drafted.

39% of those who served during World War 2 were Volunteers.


The US Military was Segregated during World War 2 (as was the American South until the 1960s.)

That meant each Racial Group was separated from other Racial Groups within the US Military.

Polish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Armenian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans (non-Puerto-Ricans), Jewish-Americans, etc. were included in White-Only Battalions.

Chinese-Americans, Korean-Americans, Japanese-Americans, etc. were included in Asian-Only Battalions.

Black-Americans were included in Black-Only Battalions.

Puerto-Rican-Americans were included in Puerto-Rican-Only Battalions.


White Officers governed every Racial Battalion, but no Puerto-Rican, Black or Asian Officer could govern a White Battalion.


Men and Women of each Race was also segregated from each other.

Male White Officers governed every Female Battalion, but no Female Officers (of any Race) could govern a Male Battalion.


500,000 Hispanic Americans (65,034 of those were Puerto Ricans) fought for the Americans during World War 2.

20,080 Japanese-Americans fought for the Americans during World War 2.

1,320 Hawaiian-Americans fought for the Americans during World War 2.

13,311 Chinese-Americans (20% of the Chinese Population of the US in 1940) fought for the Americans during World War 2.

24,551 Indian-Americans fought for the Americans during World War 2.

1,000,000 Polish-Americans fought for the Americans during World War 2.

1.5 Million Italian-Americans fought for the Americans during World War 2.

18,500 Armenian-Americans fought for the Americans during World War 2.

1,753,792 Black-Americans fought for the Americans during World War 2.

550,000 Jewish Americans fought for the Americans during World War 2.


358,074 American Women (of all Races) fought for the Americans during World War 2.



From 1941-1943 125,284 Japanese Citizens (45,294) and Japanese-Americans (80,000) were treated as “Enemy Aliens” and Interned by the US Government. American Citizens of Japanese Decent weren’t allowed to join the US Military until 1943.

From 1941-1943 Korean Citizens and Korean-Americans were treated as “Enemy Aliens”- since Japan had occupied Korea since 1910- by the US Government and American Citizens of Korean Descent weren’t allowed to join the US Military until 1943.

From 1941-1943 Italian Citizens living in the US were treated as “Enemy Aliens.” 1,881 Italians born in Italy living in the United States (out of 695,000 in 1940) were detained by the US Federal Government. Italian-Americans were not usually Interned.

From 1941-1945 German Citizens living in the US were treated as “Enemy Aliens” Of the 1,237,000 German Citizens born in Germany living in the US in 1940 a total of 11,507 were Interned by the US Government. German-Americans were not usually Interned.


The average length of Military Service was 33 months.

73% of those who served went overseas (with an average length of 16 months overseas.)

Out of every 1,000 Soldiers in Combat: 8 were killed in Action, 3 died from other Causes and 17 received Non-Fatal Wounds.


The Average Enlisted American Soldier received $71.33 per month ($1,560.93 in 2023 Dollars.)

The Average American Officer received $203.50 per month ($4,462.94 in 2023 Dollars.)


The Japanese Occupied the Aleutian Islands in the US Territory of Alaska from: June 1942-August 1943.

The Japanese Occupied the US Territory of Guam from: December 1941-August 1944.

The Japanese Occupied the US Territory of the Philippines from: December 1941-August 1945.


407,316 American Men and Women Soldiers were Killed during World War 2.

671,278 American Men and Women Soldiers were Wounded during World War 2.

130,201 American Men and Women became Prisoners of War of Germany or Japan (116,129 of them survived the War.)


12,100 American Men and Women Civilians were Killed by the Axis (Germany, Japan, etc.) during World War.


The American Men and Women who fought during World War 2 may not have been perfect (Segregation by Race and Gender, etc.), but they definitely were the Greatest Generation for both the United States and the World (liberating German Concentration and Death Camps, fighting Communism, defeating Japan, etc.)


Of the 16,112,566 American Men and Women that fought during World War 2 (1941-1945) only 119,550 are still living in 2023.

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