Thursday, November 2, 2023


^ Russia has just surpassed having 300,000 of their Soldiers killed in Ukraine since their Invasion started the War on February 24, 2022.

This Number doesn’t include the Russian Soldiers wounded or the Russian Soldiers killed from 2014-2022 (in Crimea or Donbas.)

Russia is failing in Ukraine (among other places – Nagorno-Karabakh, Syria, etc.) and has resorted to Drafting even more 18-22 year olds twice a year than before 2022.

Russia has also resorted to Mobilizing any Russian Man from 23-75.

All of these Russians (Drafted or Mobilized) get 1-2 weeks of training on Soviet Guns and Weapons (since Russia is very low on Modern Weapons) before they are sent to Ukraine and used as Cannon Fodder.

When a Russian Soldier is killed in Ukraine the Russian Military often leaves them behind.

Their Families have to hire Private Contractors to go into a Warzone and bring their Loved Ones back so they can be buried.

Also, if any of their Family Members openly talks about their Loved Ones death they are sent to a Forced Labor Penal Colony (Russia’s Modern-Day Gulag) for up to 15 years.

These 300,000 Russian Soldiers are not dying in a heroic way, but helping Putin and his Nazi Zs carry-out their War Crimes (raping, torturing and murdering Innocent Men, Women and Children as well as Kidnapping Innocent Civilians including Children and sending them to Infiltration Camps inside Russia to have the “Ukrainian kicked-out of them.)

Here’s to Russia’s defeat in Ukraine. ^

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