Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Ruscism (Russian: Рашизм)

Ruscism, also known as Rashism, Russism, or Russian Fascism, is a term used by a number of Scholars, Politicians and Publicists to describe the political ideology and social practices of the Russian state in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries, and especially during the rule of Vladimir Putin.

"Ruscism" and "Russism" are portmanteaus combining the words 'Russian' and 'Fascism'; "Rashism" is a rough transcription of the Russian and Ukrainian equivalent (also a portmanteau).

It is used to refer to the Ideology of Russian Military Expansionism and has been used as a label to describe an Undemocratic System and Nationality Cult mixed with Ultranationalism and a Cult of Personality (along with anti-Westernism and supports regaining former lands by conquest.)

 Sadly Russia today is following Ruscism and has for the past 23 years of Putin’s Dictatorship.

Putin promised to recreate the Soviet Empire (which pleased the majority of Russians) but other than Belarus, parts of Georgia (Abkhazia and South Ossetia), parts of Ukraine (Crimea and Donbas), parts of Moldova (Transnistria) he has not done so.


The Soviet Empire 1917-1991 included:

The Soviet Union: Russia (from 1917-1991), Belarus (from 1920-1991), Ukraine (from 1919-1991), Moldova (from 1940-1991), Latvia (from 1940-1990), Lithuania (from 1940-1990), Estonia (from 1940-1990), Georgia (from 1921-1991), Armenia (from 1920-1991), Azerbaijan (1922-1991), Tajikistan (from 1929-1991), Turkmenistan (from 1925-1991), Uzbekistan (from 1924-1991), Kyrgyzstan (from 1936-1991) and Kazakhstan (from 1936-1991.)

Eastern Europe: Albania (from 1946-1968), Bulgaria (from 1946-1990), Czechoslovakia (from 1948-1990), Poland (from 1947-1989), East Germany (from 1949-1990), Hungary (from 1949-1989), Yugoslavia (from 1945-1948) and Romania (from 1947-1965.)

Rest of the World: Afghanistan (from 1978-1991), Angola (from 1975-1991), Benin (from 1975-1990), China (from 1949-1961), Congo (from 1969-1991), Cuba (from 1959-1991), Ethiopia (from 1974-1991), Cambodia (from 1975-1989), Grenada (from 1979-1983), North Korea (from 1945-1991), Laos (from 1975-1991), Madagascar (from 1972-1991), Mongolia (from 1924-1991), Mozambique (from 1975-1990), Somalia (from 1969-1977), Vietnam (from 1955-1991), South Yemen (from 1967-1990), Algeria (from 1962-1991), Bangladesh (from 1971-1975), Burkina Faso (from 1983-1987), Burma (from 1962-1988), Cape Verde (from 1975-1990), Chile (from 1970-1973), Egypt (from 1954-1973), Ghana (from 1964-1966), Guinea (from 1960-1978), Guinea-Bissau (from 1973-1991), Equatorial Guinea (from 1968-1991), India (from 1971-1991), Indonesia (from 1959-1991), Iraq (from 1958-1963 and 1968-1991), Israel (from 1948-1953 and 1991), Jamaica (from 1972-1980), Libya (1969-1991), Mali (from 1960-1991), Nicaragua (from 1979-1990), Peru (from 1968-1975), Sao Tome and Principe (from 1975-1991), Seychelles (from 1977-1991), Sudan (from 1968-1972), Syria (from 1955-1991), Tanzania (from 1964-1985), Uganda (from 1969-1971), Zambia (from 1964-1991) and Zimbabwe (from 1980-1991.)


Putin’s Ruscism Empire 2000-Present includes:

Russia (since 2000), Belarus (since 2000), Crimea, Ukraine (since 2014), Donbas, Ukraine (since 2022), Transnistria, Moldova (since 2000), Abkhazia, Georgia (since 2008), and South Ossetia, Georgia (since 2008.)

Rest Of The World: Hungary (since 2010), Libya (since 2011), South Africa (since 2010), Brazil (since 2001), India (since 2001), China (since 2001), Cuba (since 2000), North Korea (since 2000), Iran (since 2000), Syria (since 2000), Turkey (since 2000), Vietnam (since 2000), Israel (since 2000) and Serbia (since 2000).

Luckily, Putin has failed to recreate the Soviet Union and the Soviet Empire in his 23 years in power.

Putin’s Ruscism includes his Z Supporters, War Criminals and Ordinary Men, Women and Children throughput Russia who have been brainwashed into following this Mad-Man and helping him commit his crimes.


270,000 Russian Soldiers have died in Ukraine fighting for Putin’s Ruscism since February 2022.

More Russian Soldiers have died in the past 1 year and 2 months in Ukraine than have died in the past 32 years since the Soviet Union collapsed as well as those that died during the 10 year Soviet-Afghan War as well as those that died in the past 72 years of War.


Soviet Break-Down:

299 Soviet Soldiers died during the Korean War (1950-1953)

699 Soviet Soldiers died during the Hungarian Anti-Communist Uprising (1956)

16 Soviet Soldiers died during the Vietnam War (1964-1973)

96 Soviet Soldiers died during the Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968)

58 Soviet Soldiers died during the War of Attrition (1967-1970)

54 Soviet Soldiers died during the Angolan Civil War (1975-1900)

14,453 Soviet Soldiers died during the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989)


 Russian Break-Down:

809 Russian Soldiers died during the War in Transnistria (1990-1992)

14,000 Russian Soldiers died during the First Chechen War (1994-1996)

275 Russian Soldiers died during the Dagestan War (1999)

11,000 Russian Soldiers died during the Second Chechen War (1999-2009)

67 Russian Soldiers died during the 8 Day Russo-Georgian War (2008)

6,517 Russian Soldiers died during the War of the Donbas, Ukraine (2014-2022)

117 Russian Soldiers died during the Syrian Civil War (2015-Present)


 From 1950 to May 2023 (73 years) a total of 48,460 Soviet/Russian Soldiers have been killed in Soviet/Russian Wars.


221,540 MORE Russian Soldiers have died in 1 year and 2 months of fighting in Ukraine than died in the past 73 years.


Or if you just focus on the past 32 years since the Russian Federation was established: 188,755 MORE Russian Soldiers have died in 1 year and 2 Months fighting in Ukraine than in all the Wars of Russia since 1991.


That Is Putin’s Ruscism to its core: War Crimes, Rape, Torture, Murder and Needless Death.

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