Sunday, May 28, 2023

Kyiv Day


Happy Kyiv Day today (the 1,541st Birthday of the founding of the City.)

It has survived many Battles and Wars throughout its history.

It was completely destroyed by Grand Prince of Vladimir Andrey Bogolyubsky in 1169, by Prince of Novgorod Rurik Rostislavich in 1203, by the Mongols in 1240, by the Khan of the Crimea of Meñli I Giray in 1483 and by the German Nazis in 1943.

It was under Foreign Occupation (the Lithuanians, the Poles, the Czarist Russians, the German Kaiser, the Soviet Communists and the German Nazis.)

It was the Capital of Kyivan Rus (Київська Русь) from 879 -1240.

It was the Capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Українська Радянська Соціалістична Республіка Союзу Радянських Соціалістичних Республік) from 1934-1991.

It has been the Capital of Ukraine (Україна) since 1991.

On February 25, 2022 Russia tried to occupy Kyiv in the Battle of Kyiv (Битва за Київ) that lasted until April 2, 2023 which saw 162 Ukrainian Soldiers killed, 748 Ukrainian Soldiers wounded, 89 Ukrainian Civilians killed and forced 2 Million Civilians to flee the Capital.

Since February 2022 Kyiv has survived countless Russian Air Raids (with Missiles, Drones and Bombs) following on the Capital the latest attack being today (May 28, 2023) when Russian attacked Kyiv with 54 Drone Bombs. The Ukrainians shot down 52 of those Drones. 1 Ukrainian Civilian was killed.

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