Monday, November 14, 2011


This week they went from Africa to Denmark. Most teams got to Copenhagen at the same time by finding an earlier flight, but Marcus and Armani took the scheduled flight and got there last. The first challenge was to get dressed-up in Renaissance costumes and learn 3 different dances. Then they either had to churn butter or race a rabbit through a course. Most chose to churn the butter. There was a double U-turn there. Ernie and Cindy U-turned Bill and Cathi while Bill and Cathi U-turned Laurence and Zac. Ernie didn't want to U-turn anyone but Cindy made him because she was too slow the last time and didn't get in first place. This time Ernie and Cindy came in first place and Laurence and Zac came in last and were sent home. I am really glad not to have to see Laurence anymore since he was always pretty slow and making dumb mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm finally watching this show. I liked this last week with the dancing and butter-making. It's good to see Europe again!


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