Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Useless Things


 There has been no Federal Government Spending Bill since the last one ran out on October 1, 2023 (only many extensions moving the deadline to March before a Government Shutdown.)

That constant unknown is hurting Soldiers and Military Families who are kept guessing if they will be able to continue to be paid so they can provide their Children with Housing, Food, etc. while their Loved Ones risk their lives for us.

There was a Bipartisan Border Deal giving the House Republicans everything they wanted and yet they turned it down because one person told them to.

That means our unsecured Borders continue to be unsecured and our US Border Patrol overwhelmed with no help in sight.

While American Soldiers and American Border Officers continue to work hard to keep us safe with what little the Politicians give them the House is now on a 2 week vacation.

It must be nice knowing you can do nothing to help your Country or those that protect you and yet still get paid and still waste time.

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