Tuesday, February 6, 2024


In the 714 days since Russia Invaded Ukraine:

376,030 Russian Soldiers have died fighting in Ukraine.

240,000 Russian Soldiers have been wounded fighting in Ukraine.


To put that into content:

14,453 Soviet Soldiers (including Russians) were killed fighting in Afghanistan from 1979-1989.

14,000 Russian Soldiers were killed in the 1st Chechen War from 1994-1996.

275 Russian Soldiers were killed in the Dagestan War of 1999.

16,032 Russian Soldiers were killed in the 2nd Chechen War from 1999-2009.

67 Russian Soldiers were killed in the Russo-Georgian War of 2008.

117 Russian Soldiers were in Syria from 2015-Present.


That means that a total of 44,944 Soviet/Russian Soldiers have died in Wars in the past 45 years.

That means that since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 (33 years ago) a total of 30,491 Russian Soldiers have died in all the total Wars not involving Ukraine.


For Reference:

58,281 American Soldiers died in Vietnam from 1955-1975.

148 American Soldiers died in the Gulf War from 1990-1991.

4,492 Americans Soldiers died in Iraq from 2003-2021.

2,420 American Soldiers died in Afghanistan from 2001-2021.

That is a total of 65,341 American Soldiers died in the 4 Major Wars in the past 66 years.


345,539 more Russian Soldiers have died in Ukraine in the past 713 days than any other Russians did in the past 33 years.


280,198 more Russian Soldiers have died in Ukraine in the past 713 days than the Americans did in the 66 years.


Russians continue to die as Cannon-Fodder in Ukraine for a lost Cause and a Lost Dictator.

They don’t die as heroes, but as War Criminals.

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