Wednesday, February 8, 2017

No Irish PSNI

From the BBC:
"PSNI gives internet safety talk in Irish"

The PSNI has given a talk on internet safety to children at an Irish speaking school in Castlewellan - in Irish. In a post on PSNI Down's Facebook page, Constable Phil Quinn said police were "really excited" about making the speech at Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche. Constable Quinn, of the Downpatrick Neighbourhood policing team, told the BBC Tuesday's presentation was made at the suggestion of one of the teachers. Delivering the talk in Irish "just made sense," he said.  "We have to deliver the message to the community in the way they want it," he added.  Preparing the talk for delivery had been "difficult", Constable Quinn admitted. "It's not just a question of putting it into Google Translate and hoping that it comes out properly," he said.  School principal Aingeal Nic an tSábhaisigh said she had "jumped at the chance" to have the lecture through the medium of Irish. "It lets the children know Irish is outside of the walls of the school. I think the PSNI here are sending out a message they are happy to work with all the community.  "It is vitally important our children know about safety online and how to deal with, perhaps, unwanted approaches online and we are so glad the PSNI made the effort to promote that message through Irish for our pupils."

^ I'm not sure why everyone is praising this as a great thing. Irish has been one of the official languages of Northern Ireland since the 1998 Good Friday Peace Accords. How pathetic is it that the PSNI couldn't get an Irish speaker or trained something to learn Irish in those 19 years? It is like praising someone for using Google to give a butchered talk in French in Quebec Province rather than a person who could actually speak French. Maybe the PSNI isn't as diverse as they claim to be. Even if they couldn't train one of their own to learn Irish couldn't they at least hired an Irish translator to translate what that officer said? That would have been better than giving a butchered, Google- based translation to the children - especially on something as important as safety. ^

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