Saturday, October 13, 2012

EU Peace Prize

From Yahoo:
"As EU basks in peace prize, separatists on rise"

Historic world port and fashionista capital, Antwerp has always lived on the crest of the wave. Now, a separatist party heading into municipal elections Sunday wants to use the city as a base for breaking away from Belgium — putting it at the forefront of a European breakaway trend just as the EU celebrates winning the Nobel Peace Prize for fostering continental unity. Moves toward separatism have been getting a bigger these past months as the economic crisis pushes people faster toward stark choices on nationhood and their future. It is no different in Spain's Catalonia, another wealthy region grousing that it has to pay for others in its crisis-hit country. Scotland, too, is looking at the option of going its own way, making the United Kingdom a little less united. Two days after the European Union won the Peace Prize for bridging ties between former enemies, Belgium holds municipal elections in which separatists hope to pick up city halls across Dutch-speaking northern Flanders. Bart De Wever, the leader of a Flemish separatist party, is running for mayor of wealthy Antwerp and has been perennially at odds with ailing French-speaking Wallonia. Last month, 1.5 million Catalans took to the streets in Barcelona to call for a separate state in the biggest march since the 1970s. Catalonia's regional government voted on Sept. 27 to hold a referendum on Catalonia's self-determination at a date still yet to be set. The Spanish government says this would be unconstitutional. "Those regions say how hard they had to work for their wealth," Vos said, "and they don't want to throw it away or share with the rest of the EU."

^ It is such a joke that the EU is getting the Nobel Peace Prize. What are the Norwegians smoking? They gave it to Obama who then increased the War in Afghanistan and now the EU. I thought this article showed that not everything is peaceful in the EU as the media and Nobel people would want you to believe. It seems like a sinking ship on its last legs. If you look at the EU (and the European Community before it) you will see what little was done to stop wars. Nothing was done in 1956 to help the Hungarians when they were being suppressed by the Soviets, the same thing in 1968 in Czechoslovakia. Very little was done during the 1989 anti-Communist revolutions either. If you take Europe's history since the end of the Cold War you will see that years went by before anything was done to stop the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Wars of the early 1990s (and then only after the US stepped in.) Again nothing was done in the late 1990s in Kosovo until the US stopped the Serbs there. If you take all this into account you can see that the EU has done very little to keep peace in Europe in the past 60 years. The US did most of the work (from the Cold War through the turn of the 21st Century.) If everything is so peaceful in the EU then why are so many regions (Catalonia, Scotland, Northern Ireland, etc) want independence. ^

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