Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2nd Debate

From Yahoo:
"Obama gets significantly more aggressive, takes more time"

President Obama is making a much more aggressive presentation in the second presidential debate. But for the third in a row, Democrats are getting more time to address national audiences than their Republican opponents, even as they protest the debate moderator asserting the opposite. "I will get run out of town, if I don't allow people to…" moderator Candy Crowley said, trailing off as she tried to reign in Romney and Obama, both talking over her and refusing to yield. Obama then said he wanted equal opportunity to respond. At that time, Obama was leading Romney in speaking time by nearly a full minute, 15:01 to 14:18 according to CNN's ticker. Obama made a similar complaint during the first debate, despite leading Romney in speaking time throughout. And in last week's vice presidential debate, Joe Biden made a similar complaint, despite leading Paul Ryan by nearly two minutes.

^ I watched this debate and think Romney was the winner. Obama was constantly interrupting both Romney and the moderator throughout. The moderator was very Pro-Obama which you can see when she corrected Romney on a point (yet she didn't correct Obama when he said that he was raised by a single mother - when, according to his own book, he was raised by his grandparents.) The moderator should be unbiased and this was definitely not the case here. Also, Obama didn't answer the questions asked (regarding creating jobs right away, if the Government had the power to lower the gas prices and Libya - he talked about Iraq and Afghanistan, but the question was about why the US lowered security at the Consulate before it was attacked.) He went on a bunch of tangents that even the moderator couldn't bring him back from. While Obama spoke more this time around it was out of desperation from his poor performance last time. He is trying to act as though he is the "under-dog" instead of the person who has been the President and most powerful person in the world for the past 4 years. While Biden had the desperate, fake laugh during his debate that made him very creepy Obama had the desperate "Look at me! Look at me!" little kid act as he was trying to shout over both Romney and the moderator. That is not the professional way a true President acts, but as I said the act of a desperate man who is running out of excuses. ^


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