Monday, October 7, 2013

Russian Cold War

From MT:
"Russians Divided on New 'Cold War' with US, Poll Says"

Russians are divided almost fifty-fifty on the possibility of a new "cold war" between Russia and the U.S., a state-run pollster said Monday. Some 46 percent of respondents said they believe a new cold war scenario is possible, while 48 percent said it was unlikely or impossible, up from 37 percent and 44 percent respectively in 2009, according to the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM). The respondents cited the case of U.S. intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden as the chief problem in U.S.-Russia relations (9 percent), followed by the struggle for global domination (6 percent), the situation in the Middle East (6 percent), and differences on policy issues (5 percent).
Only 3 percent said nuclear weapons were a problem, down from 8 percent in 2009. Key areas of collaboration between the U.S. and Russia named by respondents included international terrorism (12 percent) and efforts to prevent armed conflicts (10 percent). Other priorities include economic collaboration (5 percent), cultural and scientific exchanges (4 percent) and space (2 percent). The poll was conducted Aug. 24 to 25 among 1,600 residents in 130 cities and towns across the country. The margin of error is less than 3.4 percent

^ I'm sure if you asked Americans the same question that the majority would say there wouldn't be another Cold War. Most would say that because they don't care or know enough. It seems the Russians are split evenly and that is probably due to the anti-Western sentiment that is prevailing in the country in the past few years. I wonder how many Russians would really want to go back to the Cold War when there were shortages of everything in their country (due to all the money going to their military), when they couldn't travel anyplace, when there was the threat of nuclear war. I don't see another Cold War - at least in the sense of what we had from 1946-1991 - and if anything did happen again I'm sure that even with the US Government shutdown we would win again. ^

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