Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Fostering While Working

From MSN/mySA:
“'Don't work from home alone': Shelters urging locals to foster pets during coronavirus pandemic”

A local animal shelter is urging people who are working from home during the coronavirus pandemic to adopt a pet to keep them company. If you're working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic, foster a furry friend to help keep you company during this time. Olivia Schneider, public relations and promotions manager for San Antonio Pets Alive!, said Tuesday the shelter is in urgent need of 40 new fosters, adding that the number will increase during the pandemic. "In times of uncertainty, the intake of animals will increase but adoptions will drop," Schneider said. "We want to clear our shelters as much as possible because these times are unpredictable and anything can happen." At Spay-Neuter-Inject-Protect San Antonio, or SNIPSA, foster coordinator Carolynn Ekbaeck said more foster applications are being submitted, however, she said there are still animals in the rescue center that need placement. "Fostering can help keep the kids busy if they are still on break and the pets can also bring some comfort during these stressful times," Ekbaeck said. San Antonio Animal Care Services also wrote on its Facebook account Wednesday that it needs fosters more than ever as space is filling up quickly. To foster at the local organizations, visit their website at, and All are accepting applications for adoptions. "We really need the foster community to step up and help save the lives of the most vulnerable animals in the community," Schneider said. "Don't work from home alone." The Animal Defense League of Texas in San Antonio is still open to the public as its adoption process is conducted in an open-air environment as of Tuesday. The San Antonio Humane Society announced on Monday that its locations are closed to the public until further notice.

^ This article is about San Antonio, but I’m sure that many animal shelters and humane societies across the country have similar fostering programs. ^

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