Thursday, September 12, 2013

Exchange Problems

From Yahoo:
"Exchanges create confusion for Medicare recipients"

Dear seniors, your Medicare benefits aren't changing under the Affordable Care Act. That's the message federal health officials are trying to get out to some older consumers confused by overlapping enrollment periods for Medicare and so-called "Obamacare." Medicare beneficiaries don't have to do anything differently and will continue to go to to sign up for plans. But advocates say many have been confused by a massive media blitz directing consumers to new online insurance exchanges set up as part of the federal health law. Many of the same insurance companies are offering coverage for Medicare and the exchanges. Medicare open enrollment starts Oct. 15 and closes Dec. 7, while enrollment for the new state exchanges for people 65 and under launches Oct. 1 and runs through March. Next month, roughly 50 million Medicare beneficiaries will get a handbook in the mail with a prominent Q&A that stresses Medicare benefits aren't changing. Federal health officials have also updated their training for Medicare counselors, and are prepping their Medicare call center and website. Jodi Reid, executive director of the California Alliance for Retired Americans, worries there hasn't been enough outreach to seniors and that advocacy groups are spending the bulk of their advertising funds targeting those impacted by the exchange. Her organization, which represents nearly 1 million seniors in California, is putting together a one-page fact sheet to help dispel myths. "Nothing has been done that I have seen to deal with the 4.4 million people in California who are on Medicare who are not going to be impacted the same way as the rest of us so it's causing a lot of confusion," she said.  AARP officials said they anticipate a spike in calls after the October launch date for the new state exchanges. To help clarify everything for seniors, the organization is holding various events around the country, such as a senior day next month at the state fair in Columbia, S.C. Next month, the group is also hosting 21 telephone town halls, which will include hundreds of thousands of phone calls to seniors.

^ This confusion of the medical exchanges is just one major problem with Obamacare. Apparently, no one has a clear idea of what will and will not change and if it does change when that will take place. People from Obama and his minions to receptionists in doctors offices and pharmacy workers have no clear understanding of what Obamacare and its provisions. One thing I do know is that we are paying several hundred more dollars for medicine now then we did in the past thanks to Obamacare. I only hope that once the main provisions (ie the health exchanges) takes effect in January 2014 and starts hurting people ordinary Americans will finally wake up and see just how poorly designed and implemented Obamacare is and will demand change (regardless of what ruling the Supreme Court made.) ^

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