Sunday, September 16, 2012

DADT Repeal: 1 Year

From the Stars and Stripes:
"Furor fades a year after military's gay ban lifted "

They are images Americans had never seen before. Jubilant young men and women in military uniforms marching beneath a rainbow flag in a gay-pride parade. Soldiers and sailors returning from deployment and, in time-honored tradition, embracing their beloved — only this time with same-sex kisses. It's been a year now since the policy known as "don't ask, don't tell" was repealed, enabling gay and lesbian members of the military to serve openly, no longer forced to lie and keep their personal lives under wraps. The Pentagon says repeal has gone smoothly, with no adverse effect on morale, recruitment or readiness. President Barack Obama cites it as a signature achievement of his first term, and his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, says he would not push to reverse the change if elected in place of Obama. The main downside, Peters said, is that the Pentagon doesn't officially recognize same-sex couples when allocating medical coverage, housing and travel allowances, and other benefits. The Defense Department says it is studying the possibility of extending marital benefits to same-sex couples, but has announced no time frame. Otherwise, the Pentagon has been emphatic in declaring the repeal a success.

^ I guess everything didn't come falling down once the stupid "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy  - made by Bill Clinton - was repealed. I don't see how the military can officially allow homosexuals to serve openly and yet refuse their partners and spouses the same benefits that a heterosexual couple gets. ^

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