Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bacon Shortage

From Yahoo:
"Worldwide bacon shortage ‘unavoidable"

Is it pork-ageddon? Britain's National Pig Association has sounded the alarm that the world should brace for an "unavoidable" bacon and pork shortage next year. The cause of the trouble is high pig-feed costs caused by what it describes in a press release as "the global failure of maize and soya harvests." The organization notes that new data shows that pig herds are declining at a significant rate, not just in Britain, but around the world. The way out of this coming catastrophe is to subsidize pig farmers to stem the loss of their herds, says the industry group. The organization has also launched a "Save Our Bacon" campaign, which encourages consumers to buy British pork products It's not just Europe that will be seeing shortages: The U.S. will also face a bacon shortage. The Guardian reports that the cost of bacon has doubled since 2006, and record droughts are to blame.

^ Guess I should start stocking-up since I love bacon and sausage. ^

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