Today is Holodomor Ukrainian: Голодомор) or Famine Day in Ukraine.
From 1932-1933 Stalin and his
Communists created a Man-Made Famine to murder 5 Million Ukrainian Men, Women
and Children by starving them to death.
They wanted to eliminate Ukrainian
Nationalism and Culture.
The Following Counties
Recognize the Holodomor as a Genocide:
Estonia (in 1993)
Australia (in 1993)
Canada (in 2003)
Hungary (in 2003)
The Vatican (in 2004)
Lithuania (in 2005)
Georgia (in 2005)
Ukraine (in 2006)
Poland (in 2006)
Peru (in 2007)
Paraguay (in 2007)
Ecuador (in 2007)
Colombia (in 2007)
Mexico (in 2008)
Latvia (in 2008)
Portugal (in 2017)
The United States (Federal Government
in 2018)
The United States (State
Governments: Iowa (in 2023), Alabama (in 2018), Arizona (in 2023), Washington
D.C. (in 2017), Virginia (in 2018), Wisconsin (in 2017), Illinois (in 2018), California
(in 2016), Kansas (in 2018), Connecticut
(in 2018), Louisiana (in 2019), Massachusetts (in 2018), Maryland in (2023), Michigan
(in 2017), Minnesota (in 2018), Missouri (in 2018), New Jersey, New York (in 2018),
North Carolina (in 2018), Ohio (in 2018), Oregon (in 2018), Pennsylvania (in 2017), Rhode Island (in 2018),
Texas (in 2018), Utah (in 2018) and Wyoming (in 2023)
The Czech Republic (in 2022)
Brazil (in 2022)
Ireland (in 2022)
Moldova (in 2022)
Romania (in 2022)
Germany (in 2022)
The European Union (in 2022)
Bulgaria (in 2023)
Belgium (in 2023)
Slovenia (in 2023)
The United Kingdom (in 2023)
Iceland (in 2023)
France (in 2023)
Luxembourg (in 2023)
Croatia (in 2023)
Slovakia (in 2023)
The Netherlands (in 2023)
Italy (in 2023)
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