Top: Educational award
"Znanie" (knowledge) at the Kremlin Palace. 13.12.2022
Bottom: Goebbels calls for
total war during a speech at the Berlin Sportpalast, 18.02.1943.
What is difference?
^ Putin has been using Hitler’s
Playbook from the very beginning:
Protecting “Ethnic Russians”
instead of protecting “Ethnic Germans.”
Holding Annexation Votes when you
have already invaded and occupied the area.
Using torture chambers on
innocent Men, Women and Children.
Having brainwashed Citizens that
follow him and his crimes blindly.
Kidnapping Ethnic Ukrainian
Children to turn them into Russians instead of kidnapping Ethnic
Polish/Czech/French Children to turn them into Germans.
Shooting Innocent Men, Women and
Children and putting them in Mass Graves.
Here’s hoping Putin ends up just
like Hitler and that Nazi Russia ends up just like Nazi Germany. ^
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