Sunday, January 7, 2018

Cold Mt Washington

From WMUR:
"Mt. Washington tied for second coldest place on Earth Saturday"

If you think it's cold outside, just be glad you're not on top of Mt. Washington.   It tied for the second coldest location on the planet Saturday. It was also the the coldest place in the United States. But the researchers at the observatory are still having their fun with this frigid cold, posting videos like frozen bubbles on their Facebook page.  The ambient air temperature on the summit Saturday morning was -38 degrees with a wind chill making it feel like 97 below. "It feels sort of like stepping out into a pool of cold water almost is the best way I know how to describe it. Even with all the layers we have on, it still with those high winds it kind of cuts through those layers after a couple minutes so that's kind of the best way to describe it,” said Mike Carmon, weather observer and senior meteorologist. Carmon said the researchers are looking forward to a nice "warm up" Sunday afternoon, when it might get above zero degrees outside. The Mount Washington Observatory is a member supported non-profit that has been around for 85 years contributing to weather observation, science and climate education. They said they need all the support they can to continue their legacy. Anyone who would like to support them can learn more on their website.  

^  I have been to Mount Washington a few times. It is not only the highest mountain in the Northeast, but now the 2nd coldest place on the planet. ^

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