Monday, February 25, 2019


It's the point in the Winter when I like to remember warmer times and swimming in:
- The Mediterranean Sea (in Israel, Cyprus, Italy and Malta)
- The Caribbean Sea (in the Bahamas, Aruba and Costa Rica)
- The Pacific Ocean (in Costa Rica)
- The Atlantic Ocean (in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida)
- The Gulf Of Mexico (in Texas and Florida)
- The Volga River (in Russia)
- The Rhine River (in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands)
- The Gulf of Saint Lawrence (in Prince Edward Island)
- The Bay of Fundy (in Campobello Island)
- The North Sea (in the Netherlands)
- The Gulf Of Alaska (in Alaska)
- The Adriatic Sea (in Croatia)
- Lake Geneva (in Switzerland)
- The Blue Lagoon (In Iceland)
- The Dead Sea (in Israel)
- The Great Sacandaga Lake (in New York)
- Lake George (in New York)
- Lake Champlain (in New York, Vermont and Quebec)
- Loch Ness (in Scotland)
- Loch Lomond (in Scotland)
There are many more places I have swum, but they aren't as famous as these ones. When I wasn't swimming in an ocean, sea, gulf or lake I was swimming in my own pool. For the past 10 years I haven't had my own pool.

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