Monday, June 6, 2011

The Next Food Network Star

Last night the new season started. As of right now I do not have particular favorites. It seems that all the guys look exactly the same. There are a few people who stand out (whether for good or bad.) First there is Howie. He is on the radio and it's clear that he is only on the show to get noticed and move to TV (since he admitted and the judges agreed that he wasn't a good cook.)He also let another person do all his cooking for him - which she was stupid to do since she didn't get her dish done - and then he denied getting any help. Then there is Penny whose concept is bringing sexy back. The judges said that her concept made her trashy. She seems to be the nasty one in the whole group. There's Alicia who is from Missouri and talks with a funny accent. It would be one thing is she just had a bad, thick Southern accent, but she is trying to hide her Southern accent and so it comes out like she is a man acting like a woman (with a really deep voice.)Justin B may be a good cook, but he looks like a gelfling. Then there's Vic who I have seen on the show "Challenge" many times. He wasn't able to plate any of his dishes. Lastly, there is Orchid who won both challenges and is the judges favorite, so far.
Howie is the first person to be sent home. I am really glad that one of the people I do not like is no longer there.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't understand the whole "accent" thing. I could understand her just fine when she wasn't whispering.


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