Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day!

Today is Veteran's Day and we should remember all those (including my grandfather and father) who fought for our country as well as those (including my brother) who continue to fight for us. One of my pet peeves is when people get Veteran's Day and Memorial Day mixed up. Veteran's Day is for those who fought/fight and LIVED/LIVE while Memorial Day is for those who fought and DIED!
It doesn't matter if you are for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or not if you are a true American then you can be against war, but have to be for the US Military. Soldiers risk their lives all over the world so that we do not have to worry about our safety every minute of every day. We can live our lives and the media can waste time telling us about what the latest celebrity is doing because men and women are overseas protecting us. I am not sure why the media seems bored about reporting about the wars, but as long as an American soldier is still fighting for us then the media needs to report about it.
Today is also my parents' wedding anniversary. My dad is still in Iraq and so they aren't really celebrating it - I guess my mom doesn't want to celebrate her anniversary with her son - which makes sense.
The Military, Federal, State and Local Governments need to do more for ALL of our vets. Right now they use the soldiers as they see fit and when they are wounded or discharged then they get very little, if any help (financial or otherwise.) There are too many loop-holes that the Government uses so they can get out of aiding those who served/serve.

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