Friday, November 27, 2009

VA Smoking Ban

From Yahoo News:
"In tobacco-loving Va., bars to quit cold-turkey"

Virginia is going to introduce a limited smoking ban in restaurants on December 1st. Unlike most of the States that simply ban all smoking indoors, VA will allow smoking in enclosed, ventilated rooms (also on outside patios.)I am shocked to say this but I am amazed at how smart Virginia is being. The majority of States are just lazy when they completely ban smoking. They claim it is going against non-smokers' rights (but aren't smokers people with rights too?)
I don't smoke, but still believe that those who do have the same right as everyone else does. It is the 21st Century and there are many places around the world that have done a good job of allowing smokers to smoke indoors while at the same time allowing non-smokers not to have to breathe it.
If and when smoking cigarettes is made illegal only then should complete smoking bans be allowed. As it stands now, cigarettes are not illegal and the States that have complete smoking bans are discriminating against lawful citizens.

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