Thursday, March 3, 2022

Personally Helping

 Some have said I have over-reacted about the Russian War in Ukraine (over-posting, etc.) and that I have just, all-of-the-sudden, started caring about these kinds of things.  I don’t think I have been.

From an early age my Mom taught me to think about and to help others where I could.

I gave my 1 month’s allowance to help Kuwaiti Children affected by the Iraqi Invasion and War in 1990 I also wrote Letters and Cards to US Soldiers (including my Dad) who were fighting over there.

When I was in Middle School in Germany I donated the money, instead of flying back to the States as I had planned to,  I got from working Summer Hire as well as raised donations (a little money, but mostly canned food, clothes, toys, etc.) for the Refugees fleeing the different Wars in the Former Yugoslavia – and there were a lot of Refugees in Germany at the time.

 I also sent Care Packages to the US Peacekeepers (including my Dad) who were over there.

I also sent donated food and donations to help people during the Rwandan Genocide.

When I was in High School I used the money I made from my jobs at Taco Bell and K-Mart to send Care Packages with Clothes, Toys, Books, CDs, etc. to the Refugees from the Kosovo War.

When I was in College in I sent money and clothes to help the Kurds in Iraq.

Since College I have sent Donations and Care Packages to help Iraqi Refugees fleeing ISIS, Georgian Refugees fleeing the Russians, Afghan Refugees fleeing the Taliban as well as sending letters and Care Packages to US Soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

I am not writing this to brag, but to show that with the Ukraine it isn’t just because I visited Ukraine and speak Ukrainian, but that I am carrying on with what my Mom did and taught me to do myself.

You don’t have to do a lot, but what little you do can mean a lot to someone who needs help.

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