Monday, June 1, 2020

June Days

Daily Calendar Bizarre, Unique and Special Holidays - June, 2020

Aquarium Month 
Candy Month 
Dairy Month 
Fight the Filthy Fly Month 
Gay Pride Month 
National Accordion Awareness Month 
National Adopt a Cat Month 
National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month 
Rose Month 
Turkey Lovers Month

Weekly Events: 
Fishing Week, Week 1 
Email Week, Week 2 
Lightning Safety Week - Last full week of Month 

June, 2020 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days: 
June 1
 Dare Day 
Flip a Coin Day 
 National Trails Day 

June 2
 National Bubba Day 
 National Rocky Road Day

June 3    Repeat Day (I said "Repeat Day")

June 4
 Applesauce Cake Day 
 Hug Your Cat Day 
 National Cheese Day 
 Old Maid's Day

June 5
 Hot Air Balloon Day 
National Doughnut Day 
 World Environment Day

June 6
 D-Day, WWII 
National Gardening Exercise Day
 National Yo-Yo Day

June 7
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day 
National Frozen Yogurt Day -
 VCR Day

June 8
 Best Friends Day 
 Name Your Poison Day 
 World Ocean Day

June 9
 Donald Duck Day 
 National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day

June 10 
Ball Point Pen Day 
 Herb and Spices Day 
 Iced Tea Day

June 11   National Corn on the Cob Day

 June 12
 National Flip Flop Day 
National Jerky Day 
 National Peanut Butter Cookie Day 
 Red Rose Day

June 13 
National Weed Your Garden Day 
 Sewing Machine Day

June 14 
Flag Day 
Monkey Around Day

June 15 
 National Nature Photography Day 
 Smile Power Day 
 Global Wind Day

June 16     Fresh Veggies Day

June 17    Eat Your Vegetables Day

June 18 
Go Fishing Day 
International Panic Day 
International Picnic Day 
International Sushi Day 
National Splurge Day 
 Nursing Assistants Day

June 19 
 National Kissing Day 
Take a Road Trip Day 
 World Sauntering Day

June 20
 Finally Summer Day / Summer Solstice 
 Ice Cream Soda Day 
 National Bald Eagle Day 
National Hollerin' Contest Day 
World Juggler's Day

June 21 
Father's Day 
Go Skateboarding Day 
 International Yoga Day 
 National Sea Shell Day
 National Selfie Day 
National Turkey Lovers Day

 June 22 
National Chocolate Eclair Day 
National Onion Ring Day
World Rainforest Day

June 23 
International Widows Day
National Columnists Day 
 National Pink Day

June 24 
International Fairy (or Faery) Day
Swim a Lap Day

June 25 
Chinese Dragon Boat Festival 
Log Cabin Day 
 National Catfish Day 

June 26 
Beautician's Day 
 Forgiveness Day 
 National Canoe Day 
Take Your Dog to Work Day

June 27 
National Onion Day
Sun Glasses Day

June 28 
Insurance Awareness Day 
 International Body Piercing Day 
 Paul Bunyan Day

June 29 
Camera Day 
 Hug Holiday 
 International Mud Day 
 Waffle Iron Day

June 30    Meteor Day

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