Saturday, August 1, 2015

Canadian Pill

From the BBC:
"'Abortion pill' legalised in Canada"
Canadian health authorities have approved the drug RU-486, commonly known as the abortion pill.
The pill, a combination of misoprostol and mifepristone, had been pending approval by Health Canada since 2012. It has been in use in the United States since 2000 and in France since 1988. Vicki Saporta of the National Abortion Federation called it "great news" for women in Canada but anti-abortion campaigners disagreed, calling it a "human pesticide". The pill causes a medically induced abortion earlier in the pregnancy than most surgical abortions. Earlier terminations are considered safer than late term abortions by pro-choice campaigners.  It is already available to women in about 60 countries, and has been in use in the UK for almost a quarter century. Health Canada confirmed to BBC News that the Linepharma pharmaceutical company has been told they can begin production of the pill, which will be sold under the brand name Mifegymiso. A doctor's prescription will be required for women to obtain the drug, which is normally effective up to 70 days into a pregnancy. Mrs Saporta says the pill will likely become available in 2016, and will be distributed by doctors rather than pharmacies, as it is done in the US.  Abortion was first legalised by the Canadian Supreme Court in 1988.

^ I have mixed-doubts on the abolition pill (anywhere in the world.) On the one hand I think women should be able to decide for themselves what they do and on the other I think we have created a society that doesn't seem to care about human life or consequences for your actions. Both men and women today simply do and don't stop and think before they do something. We tell people that everything is great and you can do anything you want to without anything bad happening. This thinking and simply doing has created several generations of people who think they can do anything and nothing bad - only good - will happen to them. So if you get drunk and have sex and then get pregnant all you have to do is take a quick pill and everything will be fine and you can continue partying without a second thought. We need to start teaching respect for one's self and responsibility for others. Those teachings, along with modern medical care - like this pill - will bring us out of a sense of "Me, Me" and get us thinking about what our actions really mean and say about our charatctwer. ^

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