Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fixed Healthcare?

From USA Today:
"Deadline's here: Is fixed? Sort of" has doubled its user capacity and eliminated many bugs in time for today's deadline, when the Obama administration pledged the problematic website would operate smoothly "for the vast majority" of people trying to access the site. Jeffrey Zients, who is leading a technical team charged with fixing the website after its disastrous Oct. 1 rollout, said capacity is being increased to 50,000 simultaneous users and more than 800,000 total consumer visits a day. That would allow about 1.84 million people to "comfortably" sign up for health insurance coverage through the federal exchange by Dec. 23, or in time for Jan. 1 coverage, he said at a White House briefing. Potentially more than 9.5 million people could sign up before March 31, or the end of the 2014 enrollment period. "That said, there could be moments in the middle of the day — seems to be the peak — where capacity goes beyond that current user level, at which point there will be a customer-friendly queuing system which would notify you when to come back to the site and sort of be first in line," Zients said. In other words, people will receive an e-mail letting them know when to return to the page. That doesn't mean everything's fixed: Technicians are still working on the back-end functions of the site, or the portion that makes sure insurers get their checks when people who will receive subsidies enroll. As of last week, 30% to 40% of that work remained to be done. Despite improvements, Republicans are continuing to point to the site's delays and failures. Those include delays in online enrollment for the small business exchange; worries over the security of the site; and the need for the administration to release enrollment numbers, which are not scheduled until later in December. First month's enrollment in the the federal exchange fell far short of expectations, with only about 23,000 people choosing and enrolling in insurance plans. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor took issue with the small business exchange delay, calling it a sign that the health care law's "issues run much deeper than a failing website." He again called for a one-year delay for the federal and state exchanges, as well as for the individual mandate fee people will have to pay in 2014 if they do not have insurance.
Rather than marketing the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, the administration found itself focused entirely on fixing the website.

^ Another promise from Obama and his administration broken. First you could "keep your insurance if you already had it" (now you can't) and now the "website would be completely fixed by November 30th" (and it's not.) Excuse after excuse seem to follow these people and their messed-up Obamacare (the website and the system itself.) You really can't seem to trust anything they say. ^

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