Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Birther

A Birther is a person who wants proof that Obama was born in the United States and has a legal right to being the President. The characteristics of a Birther are said to be Republicans (or Tea Party members.) I think it is very strange that Obama spent thousands of his own money to make sure his birth certificate was not made public. That makes me question what his real motive is.
Usually if someone does not what to show you something and even invests time and money to keep that out of the limelight there is something they are trying to hide. I have studied US Presidents throughout history and can read all about their childhoods yet when it comes to Obama there is little if anything. There is a brief mention that he lived in Indonesia and then moved to Hawaii. He was born in the 20th Century and yet there is more on Presidents born in the 18th Century. That seems very odd to me.
All Obama has to do is make his birth certificate public and then all the rumors and talk would stop - that is of course if he was born in the United States. I would personally like to know more and hope that the truth (whatever it is) comes out.

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