Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Mosque At Ground Zero!

From Yahoo News:
"NYC community board OKs ground zero mosque plans"

This is just plain disgusting. It is a slap in the face for those murdered (and their families) by the Muslim terrorists. In all of Manhattan they couldn't find another location to build their mosque? Maybe it was part of the terrorists' plan - kill thousands of innocent people, destroy several buildings all so a mosque could be built in the very spot. I have the feeling that people visiting the World Trade Center Memorial will spit at the mosque as they walk by. It is as if they put a center glorifying the Nazis right in the middle of the Auschwitz Death Camp. Everyone involved in building this mosque at Ground Zero is telling the world that they support what the Muslim terrorists did on September 11, 2001. I really hope that the people of NYC stand up for the memory of those killed and wounded on 9-11 and stop this mosque from being built.

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