Thursday, March 4, 2010

US Closer To Armenian Genocide

From the BBC:
"US Congress panel accuses Turkey of Armenian 'genocide'"

I think it is about time that the US Government calls what the Turks did to the Armenians what it really was: genocide. US Presidents and other government officials have denied the truth for years simply because they didn't want to offend Turkey. Obama even pledged that if he was elected he would use the term "genocide" but did not when he was in Turkey and even called on Congress to "not hurt US-Turkish ties." That is such a spineless thing to do.
Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were murdered by the Turks during and right after World War 1. Even Hitler commented about the Armenian Genocide when he justified the killing of the Jews during the Holocaust (he stated that no one would remember what he did to the Jews the same way no one remembers what the Turks did to the Armenians.)
There are 20 countries that recognize the Armenian Genocide and while doing so may have strained their ties with Turkey in the end it did more for the victims by reconzing how they died and honoring them. I can only hope that the US will do the same and honor the victims.

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