Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Survivor Samoa

I know it's been a few days since the season finale aired. I am really glad that Natalie won! It was no surprise that Jason was voted off, but was a little disappointing when Brett lost immunity and was then sent to the jury. I think Brett deserved to win, but out of the final 3 Natalie was the best. I am really glad that Russell wasn't voted off earlier because it was good to see his surprise and disappointment live on TV - that's not as mean as it sounds since he lied and cheated throughout the whole game. I am shocked that Shambo is still his number one fan. If I had children I would not want them to see how nasty and mean their dad was (like Russell was.)
The show said they are going to have their 20th season back in Samoa with past show "hero's" and "villains." Did they get some great discount to keep picking Samoa (like they did by having several seasons on Palau.) It's a huge world and they need to starts looking outside of islands in the Pacific. The new season will have to be very different for me to continue watching it. We shall see.

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