Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DC Sniper To Get What He Deserves

From Yahoo News:
"DC sniper Muhammad set to die by lethal injection"

This is only justice being done. I can not understand anyone who is against the death penalty (especially for crimes like: rape and murder.) What should we do with people who murder dozens of people? Put them in a nice prison and then let them out a few years later as though nothing happened (like the Germans did with most of the convicted Nazis after World War 2.) Doing that makes you just as guilty as those that killed.
The DC snipers not only killed many people in several states and DC, but caused panic for months. My parents were living in the are at the time and I can't even imagine what it must have been like for them. I know that had I put in the area at the time I would have been worried to get gas, go to the store or simply sit in my house.
I can only hope that the Governor of Virginia does not pardon him and that he gets the punishment he deserves. He killed many people before their time. His victims need to be remembered while we forget him completely.

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