Today is Halloween and this year is a lot different from last year. Last year was the first time I ever answered the door for trick-or-treaters. While we didn't get more than 5 the whole night it was still alright. This year we knew we wouldn't get any because we live in the middle of no where (a small, dirt, mountain road.) The weather this year has been good for a scary holiday like Halloween. It was dark/gray, windy (around 40 mph) and rainy - just like all good horror movies. Despite the weather, I am doing what I like to do on Halloween - watch movies and eat candy corn.
Halloween has become popular around the world over the years. Ireland, Scotland, Canada and the United States have celebrated Halloween for at least 100 years. Halloween became popular in Mexico in the 1960s and in England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Denmark and Belgium in the 1990s - due to the spread of the holiday on American movies and TV shows. I guess not everything from the US is "bad."
I have a friend in Germany who wrote me that she gets lots of trick-or-treaters every year and this year was no exception. I can't blame children around the world for wanting to celebrate Halloween and get free candy.