Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Georgian Aid Suspended

From the AP:

“US suspends $95 million in aid to Georgia after passage of foreign agent law that sparked protests”

The Biden administration on Wednesday suspended $95 million in U.S. assistance to Georgia after its parliament adopted legislation related to foreign agents that critics say was inspired by a Russian law used to crack down on political dissent and that sparked weeks of mass protests. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he had decided to pause the Georgian aid, which would directly benefit the government, as the result of a review of assistance that he ordered in May after the law passed. He said he took the action in response to “anti-democratic” actions the government has taken.

The U.S. has also already imposed visa bans on a number of Georgian politicians and law enforcement officials for suppressing free speech, particularly voices in favor of Georgia's integration with the West. “The Georgian government’s anti-democratic actions and false statements are incompatible with membership norms in the EU and NATO,” Blinken said in a statement released as he was flying from Singapore to Mongolia at the end of a six-nation tour of Asia. Despite the suspension, Blinken said the U.S. would continue to fund programs in Georgia that promote democracy, the rule of law, independent media and economic development. “We will remain committed to the Georgian people and their Euro-Atlantic aspirations,” he said, noting that the U.S. has provided more than $6.2 billion in assistance to Georgia over the past three decades since it won independence from the Soviet Union.

The Georgian parliament passed the legislation in May, overriding a veto by the president. The law requires media and nongovernmental organizations to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad. Critics say that it closely resembles legislation the Kremlin used to silence opponents and that it will obstruct Georgia’s bid to join the EU.

^ Sadly, the Georgian Government is moving closer to Putin’s Russian Government (which still occupies two Georgia Territories (Abkhazia and South Ossetia) instead of towards becoming a True Democracy. I’m glad that the US took this step today to show our displeasure. ^

Hungary Supporting Russia

Since early July 2024 Hungary has issued “National Cards” (Hungarian: Nemzeti Kártya) that allow Russians and Belarussians to live and work inside Hungary with little to no vetting including no Security Checks.

These “National Cards” also allow the Russians and Belarussians to go to other Schengen Area Member Countries without an official Schengen Visa for up to 90 days for Tourism (whereas Ordinary Russians and Belarussians require a Schengen Visa for both Tourism and Business.)

Hungary’s President Orban is a major “Fan-Boy” of Russian President Putin and has long praised Putin and Russia while at the same time hindering the EU and NATO’s efforts to help Ukraine.

Orban is willing to give up both European Union and Hungarian Security and Safety to appease Putin and allow Non-Vetted Russians into Hungary as well as well as to 28 Other Countries inside Europe.

These Non-Vetted Russian Citizens can then easily manipulate the European Union from the inside including more Russian State Sponsored Spying, Hacking, Murder, etc.

Hungary under Oban is dangerous to both the European Union and NATO (which the United States is part of) and Orban’s Pro-Russia Actions need to be checked by the EU and by NATO – even if that means Suspending Hungary’s Participation in the EU, the Schengen Area and in NATO until it returns to a more Pro-EU and Pro-US stance.

Note: The Schengen Area consists of 29 Countries (24 European Union Member Countries – minus Ireland and Cyprus and with only Air Travel allowed for Bulgaria and Romania – and the 4 Non-EU Member Countries of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.)

According to the European Commission, 520,000 Russian Nationals applied for a Schengen Visa in 2023 with 10% of those being rejected on Security Concerns and International Sanctions against Russia due to its War in Ukraine.

8 Million Schengen Visas were issued in total for 2023.

90% Of Life


Scary Similarities

This aired last night and is about the Far-Right in Germany (trying to take over the Federal Government and end German Democracy.)

Sadly, the United States has a similar problem (the Far-Right trying to take over the Federal Government and end American Democracy.)

This is being done by People from all walks of life: Politicians, So-Called Religious Leaders, Soldiers, Veterans, Police, Men, Women, Bankers, the Retired, Workers, etc.

You can see the video and the similarities here:

World Homeless

Here are the Numbers of Homeless Men, Women and Children Across the World (per day) – not including the US since I already wrote about that:

Afghanistan: 4,660,000

Argentina: 3,600,000

Australia: 122,494

Bangladesh: 5,000,000

Burkina Faso: 700,000

Canada: 235,000 (including 6,000 Children)

China: 2,579,000 (including 179,000 Children)

Colombia: 662,146

Costa Rica: 3,387

The Czech Republic: 23,830

The Dominican Republic: 296,591

Dem. Rep. of Congo: 1,500,000

Egypt: 2,000,000              

Ethiopia: 600,000

France: 330,000

49% of the French Homeless are in Paris.

An Average of 2,000 Homeless French die each year

Germany: 262,600 (including 22,000 Children)

Greece:40,000 (20,000 in Athens)

Guatemala: 475,000

Haiti: 310,000 (the number is much higher than this because of the Gang Violence in recent months)

Hungary: 6,944

Iceland: 349

India: 1,770,000 (including 400,000 Children)

Iran: 130,000

Iraq: 2,000,000

Ireland: 13,540

70% of the Irish Homeless live in Dublin

Israel: 3,471

Italy: 96,197

Japan: 3,824

Kazakhstan: 5,500           

Kenya: 20,095

Latvia: 5,644

Libya: 40,000

Mali: 40,000

Mexico: 14,000,000

Morocco: 380,000

Myanmar: 1,500,000

Nepal: 2,500,000

The Netherlands: 32,000

New Zealand: 102,123

Nigeria: 4,500,000

Pakistan: 8,000,000

The Philippines: 4,500,000 (including 250,000 Children)

Poland: 30,330

Russia: 3,000,000 (including 645,000 Children)

Somalia: 1,400,000

South Africa: 55,719

South Korea: 8,986

South Sudan: 32,000

Spain: 28,552

Sri Lanka: 800,000

Sudan: 3,000,000 (the number is much higher since their Civil War started in 2023)

Sweden: 33,269

Switzerland: 2,200

Syria: 5,300,000

Turkey: 1,500,000

Uganda: 4,016,980

Ukraine: 20,000 before Russia’s Invasion in 2022

Estimated to be 734,240 in both Ukrainian-Held Territory and Russian-Occupied Ukraine.

The United Kingdom: 385,809 (including 12,537 in Wales, 30,272 in Scotland; 24,000 in Northern Ireland and 309,000 in England)

Zimbabwe: 1,200,000    

Forced Indian School Report


(Pupils at Carlisle Indian Industrial School, Pennsylvania, in 1900.)

A Second and Final US Federal Government Report released yesterday (July 30, 2024) by the US Department of the Interior states that 973 Native American Children who died at the Indian Boarding Schools they were forced to attend have been identified in Mass Graves (53 Marked Graves and 21 Unmarked Graves) across the US.

These are just a handful of the 50,000 Native American Indian Children found in the Mass Graves.

The Report acknowledge that many more Native American Indian Children attended these Schools 250,000 but the Report could only Identity 18,624 Native American Indian Children attending these Schools due to poor Record-Keeping and the Overt Destruction of Records by those who ran and oversaw these Schools.

There were 417 Indian Forced Boarding Schools inside the US (run by the US Federal Government, 37 US States and US Territories, different Protestant Churches and the Catholic Church) from 1819 to 1998 to “beat the Indian out of them.”

The United States spent $32 Billion Dollars in 2024 Dollars to run these Forced Indian Schools from 1819-1969 (after 1969 the US Federal Government stopped paying for them.)

The Final Report includes 8 Recommendations for the Federal Government ncluding:

Issuing a formal acknowledgment and apology from the U.S. Government regarding its role in adopting and implementing National Federal Indian Boarding School Policies;

Investing in remedies to the present-day impacts of the Federal Indian Boarding School System; 

Establishing a National Memorial to acknowledge and commemorate the experiences of Indian Tribes, individuals, and Families affected by the Federal Indian Boarding School System;

Identifying and repatriating Remains of Children and funerary objects who never returned from Federal Indian Boarding Schools;

Returning Former Federal Indian Boarding School Sites to Tribes;

Telling the story of Federal Indian Boarding Schools to the American People and Global Community; 

Investing in further research regarding the present-day health and economic impacts of the Federal Indian Boarding School System; and

Advancing International Relationships in other Countries with similar but their own unique histories of Boarding Schools or other Assimilationist Policies.

(The last recommendation refers to Canada, Australia and New Zealand.)



Room Temp



From the BBC:

“The new face of homelessness in Australia”

(Mary, 71, became homeless when her landlord evicted her and she couldn't find another affordable place to rent)

This isn’t the retirement that Mary had dreamed of. The former midwife spent years living on a cattle station with her husband on the north-western edge of Australia - outside her window, the vast and ruggedly beautiful Kimberley region. Now, though, the frail 71-year-old spends most of her days in her battered car. Her current view is the public toilet block of a Perth shopping centre. Mary is not her real name. She does not want people she knows to find out she is living like this.

She is one of the roughly 122,000 people who are homeless in Australia on any given night, according to data from the country’s bureau of statistics. A recent government report says that 40% of renters on low income are now at risk of joining that cohort. That’s what happened to Mary. Pushed out of her flat last year when her landlord opted to lease it for short-term stays, she couldn’t find anywhere affordable on her state pension. Her husband can’t help - he’s in a care home with Alzheimer's disease. “He'd be horrified [if he knew], absolutely mortified,” she says. So now Mary’s 4x4 is full to the brim with her belongings. A walking frame lies in the back, along with piles of clothes. On the passenger seat sits a tin of rice pudding. “That’s my evening meal, every night without fail,” she says, picking it up, her hands shaking.

She sometimes gets a bed in a shelter, but most nights, Mary settles down in a part of the city where more police are around. She explains she has been assaulted four times and does not want to take any risks. Every so often, Mary coughs - the after-effects of a recent bout of pneumonia she suffered after getting caught in a rainstorm. The car battery died when the windows were down, and she had no money to fix it. “It seems that the moment people know you're homeless… you become what I call a non-person,” she says. “You no longer have any value in people's lives.”

(Mary has spent nine months living in her car)

Homelessness services around Australia have reported a jump in demand amid a national housing crisis – with women and children the clear majority of those needing help. Indigenous Australians are over-represented too. In recent years, record house prices, underinvestment in social housing, a general shortage of homes and drastically climbing rents, have left much of the nation’s growing population struggling to find a place to live. Rents have risen the fastest in Perth - up an average of 20% this past year alone. In the few days we were in the city, everyone had a story to share.

Hailey Hawkins tells me she and her daughter Tacisha have been couch-surfing and living in tents for nearly four years, most of Tacisha’s life. They are eligible for social housing – but waiting lists are years-long. “One week, I'll have enough money to have decent enough accommodation plus be able to feed both myself and my daughter,” she says, struggling to hold back tears. “Otherwise, it's asking money to friends, family or pretty much anyone really that is willing to help.” Michael Piu, head of St Patrick’s Community Support Centre, says they’re seeing people from all walks of life – young and old, working families and individuals alike – come through the doors. “A single trigger can push people into homelessness, and there really are very few options for them," he says. “They don't know where to start.”

Is housing a ‘human right’? The housing crisis remains a national talking point, and it is no different inside the country’s parliaments. Wilson Tucker, a member of the Western Australia state parliament, recently made headlines for being a "homeless" politician – although he prefers the word nomadic. He was evicted and, despite a salary almost twice the national average, could not find anywhere else to live. But what Mr Tucker didn’t initially mention was that he is also a landlord. He says he bought the home with tenants already living there, and didn’t want to turf them out in what he calls a "red hot" property market. So now, when parliament sits, Mr Tucker stays in hotels. The rest of the time he is on the road in his 4x4 and roof tent. “But there's a lot of people out there that don't have that privilege, and they're resigned to fight over this handful of properties,” he tells the BBC.

(Wilson Tucker, a member of the Western Australian state parliament, made the news as a 'homeless politician')

Housing has also been on the agenda in the federal parliament, where MPs have been considering making it a legally protected human right. Two independent parliamentarians introduced a bill on the issue off the back of advocacy by the Australian Human Rights Commission, but without government support it is unlikely to pass.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced in this year’s budget A$6.2bn ($4.1bn; £3.3bn) to speed up the construction of new houses, provide rent subsidies, and increase the pool of social and affordable housing. States and territories also have a slew of initiatives they hope will ease the strain. But homelessness charities are crying out for extra support to keep up with the growing demand, and advocates say more urgent reform – like scrapping lucrative tax concessions for investors or increasing protections for renters – is needed. There has been criticism heaped on landlords too for hiking rents at a time when people are squeezed – and discussions about limiting increases and narrowing the reasons for which a landlord can evict a tenant. But the property industry says landlords are hurting too.

In May 2022, interest rates began rising faster than at any time in Australia's history – with 13 increases over 18 months. “Most people only own one investment property and they've had their mortgage repayments [on those properties] go up by 50% as well,” says Cath Hart, chief executive of the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia. She says the conditions are tough enough already, and the pandemic showed that measures like rent increase caps and eviction moratoriums only push landlords out of the long-term rental market. “What we saw during Covid… was that 20,000 fewer properties were available to rent as investors just went ‘You know what? It's too hard.’”

(Every night volunteers in Perth distribute food and clothes to the homeless)

In the meantime, every night different charities take turns offering help to those who want it. As evening falls and commuters exit their shiny office buildings in the centre of Perth, crowds of people with nowhere to go gather in a square by the railway tracks. With the Australian winter now kicking in, it is the clothes donations that are causing the biggest flurry. Supermarkets donate food, there is a laundry service, a mobile doctor surgery and a hairdresser. Also out are street chaplains, providing meals.

Michelle Rumbold has joined them to help. Until a few months ago, she was the one receiving the handouts. A registered nurse, she was left with nothing after she got evicted and crashed her car. “I ended up losing my job purely because I didn't have accommodation and I didn't have a car,” Michelle says. “I think it took a while for people to actually realise I was homeless, because I didn't look homeless. Gradually, over time, you become so used to the street that you lose yourself.” Michelle managed to get transitional housing and she’s now back on her feet, working in a GP’s surgery. But she still likes to come back here and help. “It's hard to leave this place once you've been here,” she says. “It's a really odd thing to say but people become your family here.” But for every Michelle, there are plenty more like Mary, still struggling. For Mary, it’s the loneliness that hits her the most. “You’ve got no TV, no neighbours to say hi to,” she says. “People often just give you the side eye and think 'Oh God, not another one' and walk away.”

^ This is NOT just a problem in Australia.

It is a problem across the World.

While some Groups like the US Supreme Court, the State of California and many other Public Local, State and National Governments are banning being Homeless and going after them rather than helping them  the problem is not and will not simply go away just because you ban them.

1 in every 500 Americans is Homeless.

The Homeless are no longer just Drug Addicts and Prostitutes.

Today’s Homeless are: Working Individuals, Veterans, Teenagers, Working Families, the Disabled, the Elderly, those with Pets, etc.

People who work hard during the day have to sleep outside or in the Cars at night because they don’t make enough to cover a Mortgage, a Rent or for a Hotel Room.

Millions upon Millions of People around the World are 1 or 2 Paychecks away from being Homeless. ^

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

WH Book


I just bought this book which has the story and picture of every White House Christmas Ornament from 1981 to 2024.

From 1999 to 2014 my Mom would buy a White House Christmas Ornament for ourselves and for those she cared about.

I would buy them for my Friends too.

She said it was a way to honor the US and to show that she believed in Non-Party Loyalty (picking the Candidate for their Words and Actions and not simply because they were a Republican or a Democrat) since the Ornaments were designed to honor both Republican and Democrat Presidents and she gave them to her Friends and Family Members whether they were Republicans or Democrats.

I have carried on her Tradition since 2015 - continuing to give them to my Friends but also to my Family Members in part because I fully believe in Loyalty to the US rather than Loyalty to a Political Party.

2024 is the 25th Anniversary of the first White House Ornament we bought.

193 Athletes


The 2024 Paris Olympics broke a record by having 193 Openly Gay Athletes competing.

That count surpassed the 186 Athletes at the COVID-19-delayed Tokyo Olympics held in 2021.

At the Sydney Olympics in 2000 there were only 5 Openly Gay Athletes.


The Olympics have been held in Places where Homosexuality was Illegal (punishable by jailtime and/or death) at the time of the Olympic Games in:

St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1904

London, England, UK in 1908.

St. Moritz, Switzerland in 1924.

Lake Placid, New York, USA in 1932.

Los Angeles, California, USA in 1932.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Nazi Germany in 1936.

Berlin, Nazi, Germany in 1936.

London, England, UK in 1948.

Melbourne, Australia in 1956.

Squaw Valley, California, USA in 1960.

Munich, West Germany in 1972.

Moscow, The Soviet Union in 1980.

Sochi, Russia in 2014.

Thank You Firefighters


Especially those fighting the Wildfires across Canada and the United States.

US Homeless

1 in every 500 Americans (out of a Population of 330 Million Men, Women and Children) are Homeless.

That is up 12% since 2022.

By State:

171,521 Homeless are in California.

74,178 Homeless are in New York.

25,959 Homeless are in Florida.

25,211 Homeless are in Washington State.

24,432 Homeless are in Texas.

15,507 Homeless are in Massachusetts.

13,553 Homeless are in Arizona.

10,689 Homeless are in Georgia.

10,397 Homeless are in Colorado (90% of the Homeless in Colorado live in Denver.)

9,352 Homeless are in North Carolina.

5,967 Homeless are in Hawaii.

1,605 Homeless are in New Hampshire.


By Race:

41% of the Homeless are White.

37% of the Homeless are Black.

9% of the Homeless are Hispanic.



10% of the Homeless in the US have a Pet.

The Working Poor Homeless:

44% of the Homeless in the US work Full-Time.


US Veterans:

22 out of every 10,000 US Veterans or 35,574 US Veterans are Homeless.

10,395 Homeless US Veterans are in California.

2,279 Homeless US Veterans are in Florida.

2,200 Homeless US Veterans are in Texas.



28% of the Homeless in the US are Families with Children.

15,901 Homeless Families are in New York.

7,044 Homeless Families are in California.



1 out of every 50 Children (or 1.4 Million Boys and Girls) under 17 in the US are Homeless either with their Family or by Themselves.

34,703 Children 17 and under in the US are Homeless and by themselves.


The Disabled:

31% of the 46,227,000 (or 14,330,370) Disabled Men, Women and Children in the US are Homeless.


The Elderly:

1 in every 4 Homeless (or 138,098 Men and Women) in the US are 55 or Over.



Laws Banning Homelessness:

Many Municipalities in the US make it a crime to provide food or shelter to Homeless people with many more making it Illegal for Homeless People themselves to use blankets or soap.

At least 31 US Cities have made it Illegal to feeding the Homeless.

California and Florida ban being Homeless (Texas is close to passing a Homeless Ban.)

In June 2024, the US Supreme Court ruled that Cities may criminalize Homelessness.



37 Million Americans are 1 to 2 Paychecks away from becoming Homeless.


Note: These are only an estimate from the Department of Housing and Urban Development since we can’t fully know how many Homeless there actually are.

Please Adopt


Project 2025 Update

From Reuters/Yahoo:

“Project 2025 director leaves Heritage Foundation after Democratic attacks and Trump criticism”

The director of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 vision for a complete overhaul of the federal government has stepped down, the conservative think tank confirmed Tuesday. Paul Dans' exit comes after the project “completed exactly what it set out to do: bringing together over 110 leading conservative organizations to create a unified conservative vision, motivated to devolve power from the unelected administrative state, and returning it to the people," Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said in a statement. Roberts said the group is sticking to its original timeline.

But the news comes after Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has increasingly disavowed Project 2025 amid escalating attacks by Democrats, prompting speculation that Trump’s campaign forced the exit. Democrats for the past several months have made Project 2025 a key election-year cudgel, pointing to the ultraconservative policy blueprint as a glimpse into how extreme another Trump administration could be.

The nearly 1,000-page handbook lays out sweeping changes in the federal government, including altering personnel rules to ensure government workers are more loyal to the president. Yet Trump has repeatedly disavowed the document, saying on social media he hasn't read it and doesn't know anything about it. “President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way," Trump campaign advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita said in a statement. "Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign — it will not end well for you.”

Many Trump allies and former top aides contributed to the project, which proposes a mass firing of government employees and sweeping changes to American life. Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign and top Democrats have repeatedly tied Trump to Project 2025 as they argue against a second term for the former president.

^ This is one step to stopping Project 2025. ^

ID Checks

I’m sure we have all seen those old World War 2 or Cold War Movies where either the Nazi or the Communist stops a Person and asks for their “Papers” and sometimes that Person is taken away and never heard from again.

While I never experienced that from a Nazi or a Communist it is still nerve-wracking to go through in-person (especially coming from an Open Society where that’s not allowed.)

I remember being stopped several times when I lived in Germany as a Teenager. The Polizei seemed to be shouting at you (of course in German) for your “Papers” and all the old scenes from the Nazi and East German Movies came back.

Of course, things ended differently in real life (I wasn’t sent to a Nazi Death Camp or a Communist Gulag) but let to go about my business.

I also remember being stopped all the time when I lived in Russia. In Russia anyone with any amount of authority is allowed to stop anyone in Public and ask for their “Documents.”

In Russia everyone is required to carry their Documents at all times (Russians have to carry their Internal Passports with their Registration Stamps – that allow them to either live or visit a Town  or City – and every Non-Russian has to carry their International Passport with their Russian Visa, their Russian Registration Stamps – that allow them to either live or visit a Town or City – and their Russian Migration Card.)

Failure to have everything with you, up-to-date or to pay the Mandatory Bribe to the Official will land you in Jail for at least 5 days.

Even when I spoke Fluent Russian I would speak in broken, loud Russian on purpose every time I was stopped for an Identity Check.

It let the Official think I didn’t understand what was going on (they just wanted a Bribe) and a few times things got heated when I refused to pay that I would take out my Cell Phone and say very loudly – so everyone around me could hear – that I was just going to call the American Embassy in Moscow so they could help me understand what was going on. The Official always left right then and there.

There was 1 ID Checkpoint at the University I was studying in one day. They were stopping every Man to check their Draft Status. It was during the 2nd Chechen War (1999-2009) and no one wanted to go and die in Chechnya.

 The Checkpoint happened the 1st time I lived in Russia and when I wasn’t fluent in Russian yet.

The Russian Police and Military Officers started shouting at me (in Russian obviously) and I didn’t

understand what they were saying. I had given them my Blue American Passport (Russian Internal and International Passports are Red) and my Russian Visa with Russian Registration Stamp and so thought it was all settled.

Clearly an American (my Non-Slavic Looking Features and my Blue American Passport) would tell them that I wasn’t required to serve in the Russian Military.

Maybe just wanted their Bribe, but anyways I ran past them and into the building by-passing the Coat Check (it’s required to turn in your coat and any large bags) and up the several flights of stairs to my Classroom with the Police and Military chasing after me.

I explained to the Head of the Department what was going on and she went out to explain everything to the Police and Military who then left.

I was told to bring in a Passport-Sized Picture the next day and was given a Student ID Card stating (in Russian) that I was an American Citizen (and not a Dual Russian Citizen) and so did not have to serve the Mandatory Time in the Russian Military as every Russian Man does.

I did ask the Department Head what would have happened to me and she said that they could have arrested me for 5 days for an ID Violation and then charged me with Draft Evasion and sent me to a Military Camp before going to fight in Chechnya (apparently in 2001 like in 2024 Russia just wants bodies for Cannon Fodder in their Wars.)

I have been asked for my ID or Passport other times before (in Costa Rica, Cyprus, Germany, Russia, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Israel, The West Bank, Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Ukraine) and had no issues after showing my Documents.

I once asked my Great-Aunt about her experiences when she travelled overseas (especially to the different Dictatorships in Spain, Portugal, East Germany, Poland, Cuba, Hungary, China and the Soviet Union.)

She said that she was stopped all the time (even when with a Tour Group of Western Tourists that had their own Stasi or KGB Tour Guide.)

Today, most of Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe require their Citizens and Tourists to always carry their Identification with them at all times and can be stopped and asked for it.

Some places give you the option to show your Driver’s License, National ID Card or International Passport and some give you 1 -2 days to report to the Police if you don’t have your ID with you at the time you are checked.

William Calley

From the BBC:

“William Calley, face of My Lai massacre, dead at 80”

A former US officer who was the only person to be convicted in connection with the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War has died, according to reports. William Calley died on 28 April at the age of 80, the Washington Post and New York Times reported, citing official death records.

Calley led the US Army platoon that carried out the mass murder of hundreds of civilians, including women and children, in the Vietnamese village of Son My in 1968. He was sentenced to life in prison in 1971 for killing 22 civilians, but only served three days behind bars after then-President Richard Nixon ordered his release under house arrest.

The My Lai massacre is known as one of the worst war crimes in American military history. The killings shocked the US public at the time and galvanised the anti-Vietnam war movement. According to the Vietnamese government, 504 people were killed in the massacre. Calley, a junior college dropout from South Florida, enlisted in the army in 1964. He was quickly promoted to junior officer and then second lieutenant, at a time when the US army was desperate for soldiers.

On the morning of 16 March 1968, Calley’s unit was airlifted to a hamlet in Son My - known to US soldiers at the time as My Lai 4 - on a mission to search and kill Viet Cong members and sympathisers. When they arrived, the officers were met with no resistance from the residents of the village, who were found cooking breakfast over outdoor fires, according to a 1972 report by journalist Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker. Mr Hersh reported that Calley and his unit proceeded to kill the civilians in the following hours. Many were rounded up in small groups and shot, he said. Others were pushed into a drainage ditch and shot, or were killed in or near their homes. Women and girls were raped by American officers and then murdered, Mr Hersh reported. The massacre was initially covered up but became public a year and a half later, thanks in large part to Mr Hersh’s reporting, which earned him a Pulitzer Prize.

Calley was one of 26 soldiers who were charged with criminal offences and the only one convicted. His conviction polarised Americans. Some deemed him a war criminal while others felt the junior officer was used as a scapegoat to shift blame for a massacre that was ultimately the responsibility of his superiors. While he was given a life sentence, Calley only served three-and-a-half years under house arrest after President Nixon commuted his sentence.

Calley married Penny Vick, the daughter of a jewelry store owner in Columbus, Georgia, in 1976. The couple had one son, William Laws Calley III, and divorced in the mid-2000s. He rarely spoke about his role in the My Lai massacre and had refused to sit down with historians and reporters. In 2009, he apologised while speaking to the Kiwanis Club of Greater Columbus. “There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai,” he said. “I feel remorse for the Vietnamese who were killed, for their families, for the American soldiers involved and their families.”

The Washington Post first reported Calley’s death on Monday, after receiving a tip from a Harvard Law School graduate who uncovered it in public records. No cause of death has been cited.

^ It are events like this one that turned the American People against the Vietnam War and all the Soldiers fighting it  - even though the vast Majority of American Soldiers did not commit War Crimes. ^




Maria Lvova-Belova (who has been Russia’s Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights since 2021) and who claims she is for Traditional Russian Family Values was seen walking hand-in-hand with Russian Oligarch Konstantin Malofeev.

(Maria Lvova-Belova with Konstantin Malofeev)

She has been married to Pavel Kogelman (a Russian Orthodox Priest) since 2003 and has 23 Children (5 Biological Children and 18 Adopted – including a 15 year old Ukrainian Boy  - Philip Golovnya - who was kidnapped from his Family in Mariupol, Ukraine and deported to Russia.)

Russia has kidnapped and sent at least 700,000 Ukrainian Boys and Girls (many with Living Parents) from Ukraine to Russian Infiltration Camps where the Ukrainian is “beaten out of them” and then they are forcibly given to Russian Families.

In March 2023 an Arrest Warrant for both Lvova-Belova and Putin was issued by the International Criminal Court – because of her role in the kidnapping, beating and forced adoptions of Ukrainian Children from Ukraine to Russia.

You can not claim to be for Traditional Family Values (whether in Russia, the US or anywhere else) and have an Affair while Married or abuse Children.

That’s not what a Traditional Russian Family or a Traditional American Family is.

If ever there was pure evil in this World it can be clearly seen by looking at Maria Lvova-Belova.

You can see it in her eyes and in her actions.

She abuses, tortures, kidnaps and forcibly adopts Children to “add to her Collection” the same way someone collects Shoes.

Maybe J.D. Vance should stop complaining about Women with no Children and start going after Women like Maria Lvova-Belova who abuse many Children.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Saving Dogs

From the BBC:

“Rescuer runs to save dogs trapped in huge California wildfire”

A first responder ran 1.5 miles (2.4km) through a fire-ravaged part of California to rescue two dogs and their litter of puppies, police say. The animals' owner was forced to leave them behind when his truck broke down as he evacuated the area on Wednesday. Trevor Skaggs found the Rottweilers on Saturday "alive, but tired and very thirsty" - although the adult male dog did not survive. The Park Fire in northern California is one of the largest the state has ever seen. The fire has burned through more than 360,000 acres - an area slightly larger than the city of Los Angeles - and is only 12% contained, officials said on Sunday. More than 8,000 residents, across two counties, have so far been forced to evacuate.

One resident's truck - containing the two adult dogs and their four puppies - broke down during the frantic effort to flee, the Butte County Sheriff's Office wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday. But the man later provided the police with the location of the vehicle. Though the remote area was not immediately accessible as the fire rapidly spread, Mr Skaggs was flown by helicopter to a nearby point on Saturday and then ran to the location, according to police. The animals were found 'alive, but tired and very thirsty' - though their father did not survive After finding the animals, he fed them water and bites from his protein bar, before leading them back to the chopper. The dogs were later flown to Chico Airport and are now in the care of the North Valley Animal Disaster Group, a local animal rescue organisation. "It’s been a horrific few days for our community and we are grateful to be able to share this amazing story," the sheriff's office said.

NVADG says it has taken in more than 60 large animals, including cows and horses, as well as 80 small animals, mostly pets, since the fire was started by a burning car less than a week ago. Triple-digit temperatures and gusty winds have contributed to the Park Fire's rapid growth. Local authorities believe a man ignited the blaze on Wednesday when he pushed his burning car into a gully at Alligator Hole. The man - Ronnie Dean Stout II, 42, of Chico - was arrested on Thursday and will appear in court later on Monday.

^ It’s sad that one dog was lost, but happy that the others were saved. ^

Confusing CDC

From AF Times:

“More dogs allowed: Lufthansa reopens options for some flying to US”

The airline used by many overseas military families to transport their dogs back to the United States will now allow at least some dogs to fly on the same flight as their owner, a move that follows the loosening of some government restrictions last week. Eight airlines, including German airline Lufthansa, had announced they would no longer allow dogs to fly in the cabin or cargo hold on the same flight as their owner due to new dog importing rules issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The new CDC rules take effect Aug. 1, and many military families were left scrambling to find ways to transport their dogs, especially during the busy moving season. For some, this means using a pet shipper, a more expensive option than transporting the dog on the owner’s flight. The policy was implemented to protect the U.S. from the reintroduction of dog rabies, which has been eliminated in the country since 2007. There are over 100 countries where the issue of dog rabies is not controlled, according to the CDC.

In an email response to Military Times on July 26, Lufthansa spokesman Joerg Waber noted that “existing bookings for the transportation of dogs remain unaffected, provided that all CDC requirements are met.” That includes bookings previously made for flights scheduled for August or later. Many military families overseas book flights months in advance.

New Lufthansa bookings for dogs on or after Aug. 1 “will only be accepted for the airports in Washington, D.C., New York-JFK, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles and Philadelphia that provide the necessary infrastructure and meet criteria required by the CDC in case the animal is denied direct entry to the U.S.,” Waber added. That infrastructure includes, for example, placement in a CDC-approved animal care facility, Waber said. If the CDC rules are not followed, the dog will not be allowed to enter the U.S.

The transportation of assistance dogs — and dogs separately shipped as air freight on their own tickets — to other U.S. airports, is still possible, as long as the owners meet the new CDC requirements, Waber said.” They’re moving in the right direction,” said Liz Hensel, CEO of Leave No Paws Behind USA. But the Lufthansa website is not clear about what families should do, leaving travelers confused, she added. “Families are under the impression they don’t have support,” said Hensel, a veteran who was named the 2024 Armed Forces Insurance Marine Corps Spouse of the Year.

As of July 26, Lufthansa had posted new information on its website, noting that already confirmed bookings will be honored after August 1, 2024, provided all CDC requirements can be fulfilled. They’ll offer additional options if a dog’s booking was confirmed before July 3, 2024, including rebooking to a flight before Aug. 1; rebooking without the dog; and a refund of the ticket.

On July 22, the CDC loosened their new rules for importing dogs, announcing that through April 30, 2025, it won’t require veterinary documents for dogs that have spent the previous six months in rabies-free or low-risk countries. The only form needed is the CDC Dog Import Form, which can be completed online by the traveler or importer.

In addition to the dog import form, dogs coming from low-risk or no-risk countries for rabies:

• must appear healthy upon arrival.

• must be at least 6 months old at time of entry or return to the U.S.

• must have a identifying microchip that can be detected with a universal scanner.

Two versions of the CDC Dog Import Form exist: one for dogs coming from no-to-low risk countries for dog rabies, and the other for dogs coming from high-risk countries for dog rabies. Dogs coming from high-risk countries have more requirements, which can be assessed here.

How is this affecting Patriot Express flights? Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Fla., sent a letter on July 25 to the commander of Air Mobility Command, asking how the new CDC rules are impacting military families bringing dogs onto military-contracted Patriot Express flights. Patriot Express is a contracted commercial charter mission providing support for official duty travelers and their families to and from overseas areas. “I am disturbed that the CDC’s rule … has already caused unnecessary confusion, with some airlines preventing dogs from onboarding with their families on international flights back home,” he wrote to Air Force Gen. Mike Minihan. Waltz asked what assurances have been provided to service members and their families that AMC’s contracted airlines won’t issue blanket bans on dogs from onboarding; and what outreach AMC has done with the CDC for clarification and application of the rule to mitigate the negative impact on military families. “At this time, the policy is so new [that] it is too soon to say how it is affecting Patriot Express flights enough to approach carriers about changes to the contract,” Scott Ross, spokesman for U.S. Transportation Command, told Military Times.

^ As usual the CDC doesn’t really know what it is doing and is only causing unnecessary chaos and confusion.

I thought they were going to fix their broken system after Covid? I guess they haven’t. ^


Just a nice picture to brighten your Monday morning.

Sister Helena Staszewska

Sister Helena Staszewska

Sister Helena Staszewska, a Ursuline of the Roman Union was born on July 30, 1890 in Złotczew, Poland.

Two of her Sisters (Blood-Relatives) also joined the Ursulines and died as Sisters in a “State of Holiness” (Sister Gerarda and Sister Andrzeja).

Sister Helena entered the Ursuline Convent in Krakow, Poland in 1921 when she was 31 years old (after previously looking after her Younger Siblings when her Parents both died) and worked as a Teacher.

As a teacher, she initially stayed in Kraków, and later held Managerial Positions in Siercza, Zakopane, Gdynia, Częstochowa and the Stanisławów (now Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine). In August 1939, just before the outbreak of World War II, she took over as Superior - her last post – at the Convent in Rokiciny Podhalańskie.

The Convent in Rokiciny Podhalańskie was close to the Slovakian Border and many People (Men, Women and Children – Poles and Jews – stayed at the Convent on their way to freedom from the Nazis.

She was arrested by the Germans on January 26, 1943 after an Interrogation in a Prison in Krakow she was sent to the Auschwitz Death Camp on February 26, 1943.

At Auschwitz she received the number: 38102 tattooed on her arm and worked at the Camp’s Tailor Shop.

Those who knew Sister Helena both at the Convent and at Auschwitz said she was always thinking and doing for others.

On July 277, 1943 Sister Helena died of Typhus at Auschwitz. She was 53 years old.

Sister Helena Staszewska was Beatified on June 13, 1999 by Pope John Paul II among 108 World War II Martyrs

Sunday, July 28, 2024

All Dogs




Tajikistan judoka Nurali Emomali refused to shake hands with his Israeli Opponent, Tohar Butbul, following their Match in the round of 16 Sunday.

Emomali, who won the Match, chose to walk off the mat without the customary post-Match gesture.

Shortly after Emomali competed against Japanese Olympian, Hifumi Abe.

At the end of the Match Abe slammed Emomali to the ground which dislocated his shoulder.

Emomali had to be carried out by the Olympic Staff.

Karma is real and Emomali got what he deserved for not being a True Sportsman.

Maybe he should work on his Anti-Semitism along with his Shoulder.

US Wildfires


There are currently 103 Active Wildfires across the United States that have burnt 2,011,853 acres.

26,478 Firefighters are fighting these fires right now (in temperatures from 90-100+ F.)

Druze Killed


These 12 Druze Children were murdered by Hezbollah Terrorists (supported from Iran) as they played Soccer.

The Druze are Ethnically Arabs who speak Arabic and follow the Druze Faith (whose main Tenets assert the Unity of God, Reincarnation, and the Eternity of the Soul and they don’t allow for Conversion into the Druze Faith.

The Hezbollah Terrorists butchered Innocent Arabic Children.

The Israelis avenged the death of these Children, even though they weren’t Jewish, by attacking where the Missiles were launched from in Lebanon.

Now you can see the difference between the Israelis and Hezbollah and Hamas.

The Israelis will do everything they can to protect ALL Children whereas Hezbollah and Hamas will go after ALL Children.


Kvass (Russian and Ukrainian: Квас) is a fermented drink popular in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, as well as some parts of Finland, Sweden and China.

(A Kvass Barrel in Riga, Latvia, USSR in 1977.)

Kvass is made from a mash obtained from rye bread or rye flour and malt soaked in hot water, fermented for about 12 hours with the help of sugar and bread yeast or baker's yeast at room temperature.

The first written mention of Kvass is found in Primary Chronicle, describing the Celebration of Vladimir the Great's Baptism in 996 in Kyivan Rus (Ukrainian: Київська Русь.)

The Communists in the Soviet Union knew they needed a cheap drink to give the large numbers of Workers forcibly moved from their Villages to the Factories in the Towns and so they picked Kvass and sold on the streets in large Yellow Kvass Barrels.

As with most things Soviet Hygiene was not considered when selling Kvass. People would line up at the Kvass Barrel where the Seller would give them a glass of Kvass, the Buyer would then drink the Kvass right there and hand the glass back to the Seller who would then wipe it with a cloth and fill it up for the next Person in line.

From the Collapse of the USSR in 1991 until Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine in 2022 Western Soft Drinks overtook Kvass throughout Belarus and Russia, but since the wave of Anti-Foreign Products started in Russia in February 2022 Kvass has come back in fashion.

I have had Kvass in Russia, Ukraine and in Israel and have to say it tastes as it sounds – disgusting. I only tried the different kinds to see if there was a difference and there isn’t.

Léon Lewkowicz

Léon Lewkowicz

Holocaust Survivor Léon Lewkowicz, carried the Olympic Fame in Paris for the 2024 Olympic Games.

Leon was born in 1930 in Lodz, Poland.

When he was 10 years old in 1940 the Germans forced him and all the Jews into the Warsaw Ghetto.

When he was 14 years old, in 1944, the Germans deported Leon to the Auschwitz Death Camp in German-Occupied Poland.

He not only survived the Selection and escaped the Gas Chambers, but also the Death March from Auschwitz in January 1945.

He arrived in France in June 1945 when he was 15 years old and weighed 72 lbs.

Leon was one of 426 Children, (alongside Elie Wiesel and Meir Lau) who were brought into the Œuvre de secours aux enfants (OSE), a French Jewish Children’s Aid Society.

It was there that he met Maurice Brauch, also a Holocaust Survivor and an Athletic Coach who organized Intramural Competitions.

At the age of 19, Leon became the Strongest Man in France and in 1955 he became the French Weightlifting Champion.

He was unable to participate in the 1956 Olympic Games at that time because he was still not a French Citizen.

In 2024, at the age of 94 Leon carried the Olympic Torch from the Bir-hakeim Metro Station to the Vel d’Hiv Memorial Garden (the Garden commemorates the 4,000 Parisian Jewish Children murdered by the Vichy French and the Germans during World War 2.)

Léon Lewkowicz was never able to participate in the Olympic Games as an Athlete because he was Stateless, but he was made a small part of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Protecting The House


Watch Vs Warning

What's the difference between a Severe Weather Watch and a Warning?

A Watch means all the ingredients are there for a Severe Storm but it isn't happening yet.

A Warning means the Storm is imminent and happening now, seek shelter.

Here's a good way to remember:

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Medical Worker Day

Today is Medical Worker Day in Ukraine!

They are working hard to save Ukrainian Soldiers and Civilians from Russia’s War Crimes on Day 884.


Сьогодні в Україні День медичного працівника!

Вони наполегливо працюють, щоб врятувати українських солдатів і цивільних осіб від військових злочинів Росії в день 884.